Hormone Replacement and Weight Loss?



  • coffee4me57
    coffee4me57 Posts: 195
    To reference later. Best of luck to all you ladies and hope you find solutions that work for you.
  • knittingbandmom
    knittingbandmom Posts: 190 Member
    I promise to come back next week after the implant and let you guys know how it goes and then follow up. This is a HUGE leap of faith for me as I've never done anything like this before but, drastic times call for drastic measures lol.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I promise to come back next week after the implant and let you guys know how it goes and then follow up. This is a HUGE leap of faith for me as I've never done anything like this before but, drastic times call for drastic measures lol.
    I use compounded progesterone. It's helped my night sweats SO MUCH. I was using cream, then switched to prometrium. Then switched back to the cream. Felt more like "me" with the cream.
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    bump cuz my period stopped over a year ago. going to read this later as my doctor is trying to get me to take progesterone pills to "force" my period for 5 days... i feel sketch about it tho cuz i don't want the sudden dose of hormones to make me crazy lol. but i might take them in a week or so...
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    Bumping for later!
  • rbccg1979
    rbccg1979 Posts: 19 Member
    I was put into menopause surgically. I had tried several types of hormone replacement for hot flashes primarily and because it also will help prevent osteoporosis. I'm only 33 btw. I had noticed my hot flashes and such coming back and my doctor put me on .45 mg premarin and it stopped the hot flashes and I also lost 6 pounds in one week. I don't know if that affected me differently since I never went through the natural stages of menopause but that is what that specific hormone replacement did for me.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    bump for later reading
  • knittingbandmom
    knittingbandmom Posts: 190 Member
    My pellet implants went in today :) First of all it did not hurt at all. The right side of my butt was numbed with some sort of cold stuff but with a swab and not a spray can so no cold blast. After that everything he did felt like being at the dentist and getting numbed. I only felt pressure of him moving around back there. The whole thing took like 3 or 4 minutes and honestly the b12 shot l got in the other hip hurt more. Ok so it turns out I have very little testerone. My estrogen level was ok. He told me normal 30 year olds have about 80 to 150 ng/dl and I have 7. He said low testerone can cause waking up at night, hot flashes, sweating, difficulty concentrating, irritability and depression. Today I got 150 ng and that is it for pellet. It will take up to 7-10 days to start feelimg it and 21 days for full effect. More in a day or two.
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member

    To read later ????????????
  • king1988
    king1988 Posts: 22 Member
    bump to read later
  • CandelLife
    CandelLife Posts: 127 Member
    I was so happy with myself when I lost 50 pounds over 3 months by cutting out soda and adding water and started bike riding daily, it was wonderful! Then I had my first depo provera shot and gained 7 pounds back in one week from suddenly having an appetite when I had none at all for the previous 2 years. I'm also perimenopausal and 47 years old. I'll be starting Chantix soon to quit smoking and hoping it will level me out since it could possibly have the side effect of curbing my appetite as well. I started chugging water like crazy recently to curb the appetite lol... it seems to be helping.
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 927 Member

    To read later ????????????

    As I had a hysterectomy and I am on vivell patch, and don't have hot flashes, but interested in the testosterone, progesterone level info too
    Here is to good health
    BATAB Posts: 13 Member
    OH YAY MENOPAUSE has been on my mind...I am 51 and just started having skipped periods 2 months ago...no other menopausal symptoms...EXCEPT I GAINED 10 pounds around my middle.......grrrrrrr. I have been wondering about hormone replacement?
  • cboelens
    cboelens Posts: 56 Member
    bump for later, Thanks!
  • knittingbandmom
    knittingbandmom Posts: 190 Member
    I couldn't really type as much as I wanted last night as I was working off my small tablet. Now that my pc seems to be up and running again (talk about real stress - your pc wont boot and you've not backed up in a while lol). I know everyone is interested in the hormone replacement part of this and it's a big chunk for sure. What I also found out at yesterday's visit is that at 49, I have a Vitamin D deficiency, Vitamin B12 deficiency, and Iron deficiency. The D was so low that I received a prescription strength vitamin. The B12 was also super low and so I've got 5 weeks of injections (1 yesterday, 4 left) to attempt to bring these in line. He instructed me to purchase the slow-fe type of iron because while I was in range I was at the bottom of the bottom. So, maybe a lot of my fatigue, dizziness, joint aches and pains might have been helped just by taking a decent dose of vitamins. I was taking them before but my doctor informed me that he didn't think the Flintstones chewable were doing me any good lol. We shall see. I googled these specific deficiencies and received a good reality check regarding the importance of vitamins in your body. I'm very happy that this doctor is looking at the overall big picture of aging and health and not just one part.

    As for the pellet in my backside it does not really hurt. I know something's been done and it's a little tender but I made it through the day just fine with no ill side affects or issues - just a little tender. When I got home from work I put an ice pack to the spot and it's as good as new. I'm not supposed to exercise, or soak in a tub or hot tub until Thursday to make sure the slit has healed over and the pellets won't pop out. This afternoon from about 2:00 - 3:00 I got a freaky little boost of energy and was rock and rolling but by 4:00 I felt ready to go home and normal again. Other than that I can't say I feel anything yet. I still woke up last night at 2:22, and yelled at my kids when I got home from work just like always. I did not have a headache or dizziness today which is saying something and I didn't seem to feel achy all over as I have been lately.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Bump for later reading...
  • darkestdayz
    darkestdayz Posts: 117 Member
    Bump too~
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    I'm 55 and on the Vivelle patch and it has relieved the hot flashes, sweats and insomnia for me. I had a partial hysterectomy a few years ago. I have been losing weight fairly steadily, but it's definitely more challenging than when i was younger. Lack of sleep is what tends to derail me.
  • knittingbandmom
    knittingbandmom Posts: 190 Member
    It's been one week now since my testosterone injections. While I can't say my life is soooooo much better (yet) I am beginning to notice a few nice changes. 1) I'm not very hungry all the time now and I wasn't expecting that at all lol; 2) I'm still waking up sometime in the night but am able to go back to sleep now so I wake up more rested than before; and 3) I am beginning to feel myself calming down. Before I felt like a live wire about to short out at any moment. The least little thing would set me off and I was truly worried that someone at work would say the wrong thing at the wrong time and I'd be in big trouble. I feel like I can control my emotions/outbursts now where as before I could not. One more huge item for me is that my joints and back don't hurt anymore. I was taking a daily handful of advil, aleve, flexeril, etc. to relieve joint and back pain. I've not had anything in a week and I am pain free (except the one spot on my butt where the implants went in - it is a little tender but totally bearable).

    The only negative I've experienced is a very VERY mild case of my face breaking out and itching. A few times it has turned red enough that someone at work has asked me if everything is OK because my face is red. The doctor has offered to send me a prescription but it's not that bad . . . . . . .so far. The doctor's office reminded me today that the testosterone implants take 2-3 weeks for the full effect so we will see what this next week brings. I'm hoping more energy and ability to concentrate :-). Stay tuned for more . . . . . . .