So sad :((

I know I shouldn't have but I got on the scale just now after not doing so for several weeks.. 180 :(( I gained back all (that little) I lost and then some.
Got off track while pms-ing that btw was like a week if not longer once that was over I got sick and I wasn't fat.. Well I really ate next to nothing for about a week but then as soon as I got better I made up for all the food I've missed and here I am back to 180lbs.. That's like my Christmas weight now in July :(
But on the upside I did go to the gym for the first time (I registered last week) did a bit of weight training but I still feel terrible that unless I pay attention not to over eat ill be huge in no time..


  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Congratulation on the gym.

    Just keep plugging. It's the only way.
  • gmmendenhall
    gmmendenhall Posts: 24 Member
    It is so so so easy to get off track. I've heard that it takes 7 days to create a habit but 30 days to break that habit. One week of hard work can get you back on track. You can do it!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    30 days? It takes years.
  • Don't be sad.....just get back on track, dont look to where you have been....look to where you are headed! You can do it!! :)