1 step forward, 2 steps back

Hey everyone sorry this is a repeat...I accidentally posted this in the Introduce yourself tab instead of this one...oops! So I went off to college, and like most freshman I gained the freshman 15. So, while being at home this summer I am trying to work it off, and it was going absolutely fantastic! However, I then started to go back to work and with last week being a holiday I completely slacked off and I wanted to cry when I stepped on the scale and saw that I gained even more weight (like 7 pounds, didn't even know that was possible) and it appeared I was worse off then before I started working out. I have tried drinking close to 10 bottles of water a day to flush things out and it seemed to work a bit. I'm just feeling kind of discouraged and frustrated and was wondering if anyone else experienced something like this and had advice for at least getting back to where I was a week ago .


  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    To gain 7 pounds of fat you'd have to have eaten almost 25,000 calories above your maintenance. If you didn't do that it's probably at least partially water.
  • workzceo
    workzceo Posts: 12
    YEp, it is just water. If you traveled at all, that will cause water retention. plus eating stuff you have not eaten in 30 days...

    Just get back on the horse and don't worry about a weigh in until next week. You can lose it all in a week. Good Luck!
  • vvineslover
    I think it is partially water, if i weigh myself in the morning I'm at about 155, however, by then end of the day I can be anywhere from 157-160. Prior to my bad week I was about 152-153ish. So would drinking more help do you think?