Slimming World


I'm thinking about joining slimming world but don't really know much about it...i've heard some good things but wondered if any of you had any experience of slimming world?

Also - there is a group near where I live tonight but i'm unsure whether to just join online or go to the groups? I'm quite shy but thought it might give me motivation. Any advice on this?

Thank you :)


  • EmilyWillBeSlim
    EmilyWillBeSlim Posts: 26 Member
    I joined slimming world last February to lose weight for my wedding, I got married in the November as a target member and have maintained ever since. Ive lost 3 stone in total
    If you are thinking of going, do it, honestly it may be the best decision you make. I personally would go to the group, the support you get there can not be matched by going online. I couldn't have got to target without the support of the group, they give motivation and recipes and ideas every week. I still go most weeks
    Im really shy, but everyone ive met at SW has been lovely and really friendly.
    I always went by myself and found the hardest thing was just walking through the door.

    Slimming World is very healthy way to eat. You make most things from scratch. There is a new extra easy plan and the idea is to have a third of your plate full of free food at every meal. Free food is most veggies and fruit. So every meal would be one third protein, one third carb and one third veggies/fruit. Very easy!!

    Please feel free to ask any questions you have.
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    slimming world is a great plan i try to kind of follow it along with using mfp,

    basically on the EASY plan the following foods are free and unlimitted

    potaotes, pasta, rice, all fruits and veg, eggs, fat free natural yogurt and some fat free flavours ed yogurts e.g muller light vanilla and tofee yogurts are free, all lean meats and fish are free.

    you get to choose a healthy extra A which is your calcium intake and is a portion of milk or cheese it will give you a list to choose from
    you also get to choose a healthy extra B which is your wholegrain/fibre intake and you get a huge list to choose from e.g 60grams of wholemeal/brown bread, a portion of some nuts such as almonds, tinned pears, or wheetabix or bran flakes e.t.c there's loads to choose from

    seasonings are all free along with stock such as chicken stock, soya sauce is free and worcester sauce

    There's lots of other free foods you get a book with a huge list of them and access to the website too, the idea is to have 1/3 of your plate with every meal to be, lean meat (protein), carbs and supperfree foods which is mainly your veggies such as carrots brocoli tomatoes e.t.c some fruits are also supperfree, there are also super speed foods which are mainly fruits and veggies which when put together can speed up your motabolism

    anything that is not a free food, or a healthy extra is SYNED you get between 5-15 syns a day e.g 1 tsp of sugar is 1 syn, 1 tsp of butter is 2 syns, so other dressing fats oils sugar, cakes e.t.c have a syn value, some people like to use their syns on things likes crisps and chocolate i perfer to try use them in my cooking e.g a tin of low fat coconut milk is 13.5 syns that makes a meal when making a curry for 4 people if i use everything else syn free then my meal is very low syn iykwim

    i would recommend a meeting as you get the support of your leader and others and get to hear motivational stories e.t.c, my friend has lost since January 4 stone on slimming world so far, i combine slimming world with MFP carbs bloat me out so i still have to watch my portion size of pasta and rice e.t.c in spite of the fact they are 'free' with slimming world

    anyway hope this helps and best of luck
  • bubblewrap91
    bubblewrap91 Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you both so much for replying with so much detail! I feel a bit more motivated to try it out now and I think i'm going to go along to the group tonight to get the past i've not really followed a plan and I think that's why I keep losing motivation so I'm hoping with something to stick to that sounds easy enough to follow then i'll see some results!

    Thanks again :)
  • EmilyWillBeSlim
    EmilyWillBeSlim Posts: 26 Member
    So did you go last night?
    What did you think?
  • bubblewrap91
    bubblewrap91 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi !

    Yeah I ended up going - I was terrified but I'm glad I went. I had to rush off so couldn't stay for the whole group but listened to the new members talk and got myself weighed in.

    I'm still getting to grips with the plan I've been too busy to sit and read through the books properly yet so I'm hoping I'm doing it right ! Just really hope I stick to it an see some results. Thank you for your help :) x
  • I couldn't recommend SW enough! I joined at the end of Jan and since have lost nearly 4 stone HEALTHILY by combining it with exercise! I do loads of exercise and have loads of energy! I hit target a few weeks ago and am not quite where I want to be so going to "fine tune" a few extra pounds . . . I never thought I would get to my target ESPECIALLY not in such a short space of time!!

    Feel free to PM me for more or even motivation, my mom-in-law rings me when she feels she needs motivation! x