Waking-Up-Early Challenged....HOW DO YALL DO IT?!

I'm sure I've posted about this before, but I cannot wake up early to save my life!

Lately, the only times I've been able to tolerate working out is when it's not so freaking hot outside...so first thought would go to just waking up early to workout, right?!

Well, I've tried lots of different methods of getting me up early and I'll get up enough to turn the alarms off but i find myself right back in bed getting up at the last possible minute before having to get ready for work.... :yawn:

I tried going to bed early, and I just can't fall asleep....I tried seeing if my BF would go with me since it's dark outside and I'm kinda afraid to go alone (I do have a pitbull that would be more than willing to go but it's not the same as having my man there lol :bigsmile:) he is even worse about waking up early than i am so that doesn't really work lol...

I know it's probably a matter of me sucking it up and just getting up, but does anyone have any tips or tricks they used to start getting up early and working out?

Thanks! :heart: :flowerforyou:


  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    You can't trick yourself into being dedicated; you either are or you aren't.

    That said though I actually have one little thing I do. I have an agreement with myself that when the alarm goes off at 4:30, I have to get up right away, but I'm allowed to go to back to bed after having five minutes to think about it.

    Haven't done it yet.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    The only time I wake up early is for an early shift LOL

    I work out at night. That's the best time for me!
  • dan_boisvert_sub5x50
    dan_boisvert_sub5x50 Posts: 44 Member
    If you'd really like a push, there are some alarm apps that will do virtually anything to ensure that you wake and/or get up. For example, Alarm Extreme has settings that require you to solve math problems in order to turn it off, and even a setting requiring you to dock the phone in your car (!) to turn it off. Maybe one of those will help?
  • Jayiz
    Jayiz Posts: 39
    I work early morning shifts now, so I have to get up..
    ... but I'm pretty lucky because I work at a small gym :bigsmile:
    But on other days... I cannot make myself get up. It's easier to get up for those early morning shifts now that I am used to it though..

    I suggest getting a wake-up call if you can from someone. Get a early morning friend to call you and get you up. Let them keep you on the phone while you get up and get dressed (wake up your brain a bit). If possible, get them to call you can in a few minutes to make sure you are up. Maybe even work out with them so you have a commitment set in place.


    Oh and another thing: You can also try and get one of those run-away alarm clocks :P
    A friend of mine has one. Not sure where you get them though ;)
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    Set a super loud alarm far enough away from your bed that you will have to get up to turn it off...maybe in the bathroom. once you are in the bathroom, turn on the shower before you turn off the alarm. Take a quick 5 minute "wake up" shower. You will be fully awake by the end and not so tempted to go back to bed.
    I found that after a couple weeks of getting up early it gets much easier...and you can set your alarm as normal :laugh:
    (Also, what really helped me get in the habit was paying for a workout class that started at 5:30 AM. You dont want to waste your money...so you are more motivated. I am not a morning person, but I now get up at 4:30 Mon, Wed and Fri and I'm in the gym by 5 AM) For me 5 AM works because there are never any excuses...no dinner parties, bbqs or chores to get in the way!
  • raleighgoodwins
    raleighgoodwins Posts: 68 Member
    I totally get it!! A friend once gave a button that said "not a morning person doesn't even begin to cover it"

    I have found that I cannot get up early unless I really, truly, absolutely have to for whatever reason.

    So I found a workout buddy who also needed to be able to workout early. She lived right up the street from me and so we made an arrangement where one or the other of us would meet at the other person's house at 6 am.

    I found that knowing someone would be waiting for me really helped me to get up and go. And on the occassions when she overslept I was already up and ready and at her house so I would just go anyway.

    I'm not sure what kind of exercise you are doing - we were fast walking for 3 miles/45 minutes - but if you can find a workout buddy that might be helpful to you. Especially if it's someone that doesn't live with you so you actually have to get up to meet them. And you wouldn't want to leave them waiting on the sidewalk in the dark.

    the other thing is that morning just may not be your time to workout. I am now doing Bikram "Hot" Yoga 3 - 4 times per week and I go in the evening because that works better for me. So you might need to look into other types of exercise that you can do later in the day or in the evening and maybe that will work. When I lived in NC I used to run at 9 - 10 pm at night and found a lot of other people would do that also because it was a little cooler and none of us were morning people.

    good luck!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    You can't trick yourself into being dedicated; you either are or you aren't.

    That said though I actually have one little thing I do. I have an agreement with myself that when the alarm goes off at 4:30, I have to get up right away, but I'm allowed to go to back to bed after having five minutes to think about it.

    Haven't done it yet.

    Umm .... not everyone has the same body clock. It's not about "dedication." Morning people are not more "dedicated" than non-morning people.

    Try waking up 5 minutes early..... then add 5 minutes more ..... then 5 minutes more. In the meantime, find an exercise that you can do indoors. I use walking & step aerobic videos for this purpose (I exercise after work) and yes - it's often still too hot outside. I love that no weather (rain, snow, whatever) will stop me. If you're a runner (or want to be) .... try a rebounder...... nice and compact.
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    Umm .... not everyone has the same body clock. It's not about "dedication." Morning people are not more "dedicated" than non-morning people.

    Of course they aren't. But I'm hearing some hints at excuses from OP. Too early, boyfriend won't get up and accompany, not ideal temperature, etc. Just thought I'd bring up dedication in case a spark needed to be ignited that renders all these things powerless. Dedication isn't a dirty word. It's essential.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Umm .... not everyone has the same body clock. It's not about "dedication." Morning people are not more "dedicated" than non-morning people.

    Of course they aren't. But I'm hearing some hints at excuses from OP. Too early, boyfriend won't get up and accompany, not ideal temperature, etc. Just thought I'd bring up dedication in case a spark needed to be ignited that renders all these things powerless. Dedication isn't a dirty word. It's essential.

    Yes - you're right. Dedication is definitely essential here. Not a quick fix.
  • tarashley13
    tarashley13 Posts: 114 Member
    Mind over matter.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I own a collie with a huge fur coat and need to walk her really early during the summer, otherwise it's too hot for her to go out (she can't tolerate temperatures over 75 degrees). And then I want to go hiking by myself after I walk her and be finished before the heat really hits. I'm not a morning person at all. I can easily stay up half the night, but mornings, forget it. I also don't have an exercise buddy (I wish I did).

    The only way I can manage it is do EVERYTHING the night before so all I have to do is stand up, pull on my clothes and shoes, and walk out the door. This might sound nuts, but a few times I've even showered and dressed so all I have to do is stand up in the morning and I'm ready to stagger out of the house. I'm really motivated right now to lose weight and look and feel better, plus I'm doing an exercise I love (hiking in a beautiful area), so I look forward to the exercise once I'm out there. You might think about how much you will enjoy whatever you like doing once you're up.
  • Austinetc
    Austinetc Posts: 74 Member
    My trick (which I often forget to do) is to not think about alternatives. When the alarm goes, I say to myself "Don't think! Just get up!"

    The mind will go through a host of excuses to not get up. Don't allow yourself do think about them. Hmmm. . . Perhaps a note stuck on the alarm would help solve my forgetfulness.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    My trick (which I often forget to do) is to not think about alternatives. When the alarm goes, I say to myself "Don't think! Just get up!"

    The mind will go through a host of excuses to not get up. Don't allow yourself do think about them. Hmmm. . . Perhaps a note stuck on the alarm would help solve my forgetfulness.

    Great suggestion! I'm using this next time.
  • sophisli
    sophisli Posts: 41 Member
    I've found that you have to work with your tendencies and not against them. Change of any kind is far too hard to do them by going against the direction of wind. I am and have always been a morning person but I do suffer from fatigue. On those mornings I would rather stay in bed I discovered a trick to getting me up. Even wanting to stay in bed, it makes me get up. Afterwards I am so grateful for it.

    Ode to those who strive through sheer will! But I am old enough to know myself well and know what works, what doesn't, and what isn't sustainable.
  • icjason
    icjason Posts: 27 Member
    Many of us -- myself included -- are actually sleep deprived. When you're sleep deprived, specialized alarm clocks don't matter, and to a certain extent 'will power' doesn't either. The surest solution to getting up early is a decent night's sleep: when you're well-rested you'll get up more easily.

    I'm a lifetime non-morning person, but have recently made the change to morning workouts and it's going fairly well -- but I have to be in bed long enough to get 6-7 hours of sleep. Oddly, coffee isn't necessary anymore, either....
  • xXK1LL3RxCH1CXx
    Uncle Sam made me...:grumble:
  • Fiercely_Me
    Fiercely_Me Posts: 481 Member
    If you'd really like a push, there are some alarm apps that will do virtually anything to ensure that you wake and/or get up. For example, Alarm Extreme has settings that require you to solve math problems in order to turn it off, and even a setting requiring you to dock the phone in your car (!) to turn it off. Maybe one of those will help?

    Amazing.I should get one of these!
  • Suzyp0414
    Suzyp0414 Posts: 22 Member
    I set my workout clothes next to the bed and charge my Ipod. I set 2 alarms with 2 different sounds. The first one I sleep through the second one I force myself to go into the bathroom and change. Get my ipod and leave. Yes it is cold, I wear a Lululemon headband that covers my ears and helps hold in the earphones. Usually by 1 block I am not cold anymore. Plus, I know that if I don't get myself out of bed, I won't workout for the whole day and I will feel bad about it. 20 more days of this and I will join a gym as a reward. Oh and the main key for me is, no wine at night! When I have some wine I have absolutely no discipline to get up.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    Drink a lot of water the night before. Then you're body will make you get up early.