Im New

Im new to this site. Just found out about it from one of my friends. My reason for being here? Well i have a 7 1/2 month old and really need to lose weight. Right after i had him I lost all of my baby weight and went right back to being my original weight. I now weigh 196lbs and I really need to lose it, to feel better about myself, to feel sexy for my fiance and to not be out of breath from doing small little things. Im also hoping to make some new friends and to help motivate me. I have a horrible problem of giving up before ive really even started. :(


  • stolicious
    I'm new today also. Good luck.
  • megu2010
    Thank you and the same to you!
  • deanna324
    deanna324 Posts: 58 Member
    You will love this site. I joined two weeks ago today and have already lost 8 pounds. Everyone is super nice and will motivate you beyond your wildest dreams. You can do anything you put your mind to. I'll send you a friend request.
  • Michael287
    Michael287 Posts: 17 Member
    You both will love this site! I found this place six days ago and love it! Lots of member help is out there. Please add me if you'ld like and we can try to motivate one another.

  • megu2010
    Thank you both. Im already loving this site, and I definitely need the motivation.