Quinoa: I'm new to this stuff... recipe help???



  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I use Quinoa in place of Rice. I use it in a lot of my stir fry's or on the side with salmon or any kind of other fish
  • lexherrera
    lexherrera Posts: 56 Member
    Easy recipe, only takes me about 20 mins, serves 2-4 people.

    2 cups chicken broth or water
    1 cup quinoa
    1-2 chicken breasts
    Olive oil
    2 tbsp Minced garlic
    1 large onion
    1 large bell pepper, or 5-6 mini sweet peppers
    Salt & pepper

    Mix the quinoa with the broth/water, bring to a boil, then let simmer on low for about 20 minutes. While it's simmering put olive oil and the minced garlic in a pan, bring it to a higher heat (the oil will become more liquidy, but don't make it smoke!) then add the onion and pepper(s) chopped up. Sautee them for a bit while you cut the chicken up, then add that once the onions start looking translucent. Add salt & pepper to taste and cook on low heat til the quinoa is done and the chicken is cooked through.

    Make sure you stir the quinoa regularly otherwise it will stick. Also make sure you don't get impatient -- keep it on low heat or you'll have a meal full of crunchy bits.

    I like to serve this recipe in a bowl, I layer the quinoa, spinach, then the sauteed veggies and chicken, and if I'm trying to up the calories or fat I sprinkle cheese over it. yum!
  • FitnessBeverlyHills
    Cook some in almond milk (or normal cow's milk) at night, leave to cool and put in the fridge. Eat for breakfast with chopped fresh fruit, nuts, berries and/or a big spoon of natural yoghurt.

    Mmmm I never even thought of eating is for breakfast on the sweeter side, I will definitely give this one a try!
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    a serving of quinoa with a fried egg/over easy egg. poke the egg...sprinkle a touch of salt...mix it all up...perfection!
  • danagolding
    I too have been wondering about quinoa but have been a little intimidated to try it. Bump for later!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Just Goggle Quinoa Recipes. You will get pages of hits and toms of suggestions.

    I make a quinoa & black bean taco salad that everyone in my family loves!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Use it anywhere where you would use rice, couscous, bulgur wheat, or any other small grain carb. You can replace it in recipes 1 to 1 for rice and pasta like orzo. It pairs excellently with beans.

    The key is rinsing it well before cooking. It can be bitter if it isn't rinsed well enough. I rinse mine for a full minute before cooking.
  • emmajones0221
    Bump. I love quinoa.