Mom of Three trying to find "Happy Girl"

Hello Everyone! I am new to this site thanks to my friend "Terri". I am glad to have found this great supportive and informative site!! What great tools. I have started this weight loss journey this mid June. I have lost at least 22 lbs and am hoping for more this week. Aren't we all, lol! I have been wanting to do this for several years now. My inspiration(s) are many and motivation(s) are equal. I have found a connection to the program that I can do and am having success at. Finally!!! I am a mom of three 8 year olds and wife to a great man of 20 years.

My father passed away a little over 3 years ago and one of his challenges to me was to "get healthy". I take care of my elderly mom and work outside of the home and maintain all other kid and wife duties. Needless to say many reasons why I have "no time" for myself but yet I can't afford not to invest time in myself. I don't want to be forced to deal with my health. I want "Happy" back and so now I am searching for "Happy Girl". I am finding her more and more each day. Some days are painful but in all honesty neccessary and yet unavoidable if I truly desire "Freedom" from my current "prision". So here's to continuing the journey on my own and finding new friends to "journey on" with. Healthy wishes to all!!
God Bless,
Tripletmome (a.k.a Happy Girl)


  • Deb77
    Deb77 Posts: 6
    What is happiness? This is a question that has even been researched! I find that when I don't feel happy, I can at least feel grateful. I make little lists of people and things that I am glad for, and try to express gratitude to the people....and reflect on how much they mean to me. It sounds like you feel very grateful for a lot of things: family, dad, and this site. I really think you are moving in the right direction!!!
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Welcome to the site!! I think most people have had some sad events in their lives where they takes us off track from our happiness... I am sure that as you reach your goals you will have those moments of happiness. If you're looking for a book to read to help you along your journey, you can read Heal Your Life by Louise Hay - it's a great tool to help find what you're looking for. xo
  • TrenaBleyaert
    Thanks ladies. I know happiness is not something that I can have at all times. I know happiness is an emotion were were wired to experience and am ready for a little of it. Certainly grateful and thankful for all the blessings. I will have to check out the book "Heal Your Life". I am looking forward to getting healthy and being fit for myself, kids and husband. Look forward to utilizing this site and gaining some new friends along the way! I appreciate your comments. ")