hypoglycemic friends with open diaries

So its starting to appear as if I am hypoglycemic. Really kind of looking for other people on the site that are as well and who are effectively managing it with open diaries so that I can peek and see what sorts of meals and things are good for maintaining a steady blood sugar level instead of yoyo-ing like I have been. My doctor has obviously given me some advice and tips but I do things better when I have concrete examples in front of me to kind of go on!


  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm hypoglycemic and manage it really well - I feel great! As long as I get some food in me early in the morning (protein/complex carbs), and within 1-2 hours before AND after working out (if not I get that woozy/off feeling), and eat regular meals + occasional snacks, I'm good. Lots of protein, adequate fats, and complex carbs - generally all three every time I eat. I have no problem eating dessert at dinner, or stuff like jam at breakfast. I only suffer/crash when I splurge on big quantities of simple sugars/sweets without also consuming a proper meal (or, like I said earlier, if I don't fuel myself adequately before/after workouts).
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    I'm not hypoglycemic, but my son is. Basic diet for him has always been eating every few hours, at least a little something. No high sugar foods without something complex to go with it. If he had fruit he would have cheese or crackers (or both) along with it.