5:2 Fast Diet

Has anyone combined their myfitnesspal regime with the fast diet? I am doing very well with MFP quota but want to really push the next few weeks and wonder if combining 1200 calories a day on 5 days a week with the 2 day fast option would work?



  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    You're currently only eating 1200 cals?
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I would not do 1200 a day and then a 2 day fast. 1500 and a 2 day, maybe. You still have a lot to lose. If what you're doing is working, stick with it until it doesn't anymore.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Cathy, if you use the search function here you'll find lots of threads about 5:2ing, and 2 dedicated forums to it.

    But on the 5 non-fast days, you should be eating around your maintenance or TDEE level, not 1200. It's important to get a difference between the types of day, plus your body will be getting most of its nutrition from those 5 days, so they have to be good in terms of quantity and quality.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    All of the above is good advice!

    You're in for a whirlwind of *kitten* if you stick to 1200cals!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Has anyone combined their myfitnesspal regime with the fast diet? I am doing very well with MFP quota but want to really push the next few weeks and wonder if combining 1200 calories a day on 5 days a week with the 2 day fast option would work?


    You are misinterpreting 5:2

    This should be 5 maintainance days and 2 fast days ..... not 5 diet days and 2 fast days

    Find your BMR ..... basal metabolic rate ..... these are the calories your body uses everyday for basic function ..... heart, lungs, kidneys .....5 diet days plus 2 fast days is going to be an average way below your BMR. This is fast weight loss......NOT healthy weight loss. Your body will be using muscle (as well as fat) for fuel.
  • cathyjes
    cathyjes Posts: 9

    Thanks for your advice - I will check out the posts. Do you know what maintenance calories would be on a 1200 per day plan? And will 5:2 get more weight off in the short tern than sticking with MFP 1200 per day?
  • cathyjes
    cathyjes Posts: 9
    Hi That's the MFP plan I was given based on stats. So far it's been fine and I've has steady weight loss.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    Cathy - at 1200 a day- the 5 day done right will not get you in a better place. It would probably get you to the same place. If you try 5 day diet and 2 day fast you will be hurting yourself.
  • cathyjes
    cathyjes Posts: 9
    Good advice I will stick with MFP and leave off any thoughts of 5:2.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    Thanks for your advice - I will check out the posts. Do you know what maintenance calories would be on a 1200 per day plan? And will 5:2 get more weight off in the short tern than sticking with MFP 1200 per day?

    Change your MFP settings to honest Activity level - you probably selected Sedentary though Lightly Active is found more accurate for majority.

    Change your goal loss to Maintain.

    Now log and eat back exercise calories on 5 days a week and meet your goal - that is eating at maintenance for those days.

    Now on 2 non-exercise non-consecutive days, only eat 25% of that avg total eaten you get. Not MFP's non-exercise maintenance, but 25% of whatever you ate in total the other 5 days.
    So if you eat in total 2400 avg on the other days - you get to eat 600 on those 2 days.

    This will give you an avg deficit weekly of 21%.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member

    Thanks for your advice - I will check out the posts. Do you know what maintenance calories would be on a 1200 per day plan? And will 5:2 get more weight off in the short tern than sticking with MFP 1200 per day?

    Your maintenance calories are your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) ..... depends upon your height, weight, gender, age and activity level. TDEE INCLUDES exercise

  • cathyjes
    cathyjes Posts: 9
    Appreciate your advice - taken on board
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    the 5:2 diet is meant to be - for women- 2,000 calories five days a week, and 500 calories two days a week. this gives you an average of 1,571 calories a day for the week.

    don't modify it. don't use it as an excuse to binge eat just because "oh hey, tomorrow is a fast day." you are still supposed to eat healthy and exercise properly.
  • To find your BMR, you can use this website: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/

    It will give you the total calories that you need to maintain.
  • cathyjes
    cathyjes Posts: 9
    Thanks for this advice - will check out the settings as I am definitely more active than when I started so that makes sense.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    As others have already stated, the point of 5:2 is that you're not at a deficit on non-fasting days. I don't know your stats but you should be eating anywhere from 1500-2500 calories five days of the week, then 500 or so the other two days. Otherwise you are starving yourself.
  • Have you thought about setting a weekly goal rather than a daily? MFP gives your your weekly totals (macros too) it starts Mondy and end Sunday I am playing around with what I want my daily net goal to be which is somewhere bt 1300 and 1500. Right now I have it set to 1300 although it rare I only intake 1300 calories especially since I am someone who is hungrier on active rest days (days where I just do a really short jog/lift) sometimes in days I lift which burns minimal calories Ill eat like 1800 calories and be well over my goal, but on a longer run day when I have time for 10 or 12 miles or even a regular run of 6 or 8 miles I don't eat all my calories back because I don't need to, I'm not as hungry as I am of other days and it offsets my high rest days meaning I still average 1300 net calories a day per week and meet my weekly targets but also have days when I eat more. I've found this method much more successful but it does require you to commit to exercise to obtain a deficit. All 5:2 really does as far as weight loss is restrict your calories for two days a week leading to weight loss but you can do this without have to cram it all into two days. Sorry if I explained this horrible I am really bad at explaining how I work my plan if you look at my diary for last week you'll see what I mean
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Have you thought about setting a weekly goal rather than a daily? MFP gives your your weekly totals (macros too) it starts Mondy and end Sunday

    How do you do this? I'd love to try that

    All 5:2 really does as far as weight loss is restrict your calories for two days a week leading to weight loss but you can do this without have to cram it all into two days.

    That's not "all it does", but that is part of it, yes.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I realise Cathy has said she's not going to try this, but just to clear up another misconception - just cos it's called the fast diet doesn't mean it's quick.