Hi there

hello all, I am new to this site, first time I have joined anything like this because I don't like to tell people when I diet in case I fail (which I always do lol) so I thought I might try doing it with other people who I don't know and see if I can get anyher, I started off really well 2 weeks ago but this weekend it went kind of wrong ummI want to lose a LOT because I am so sick of having to go straight to the back of the clothes rail to find something in my size, really don't wanna fail this time, thats about it i think :) xxx


  • kswifty
    kswifty Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Angie!
    New (kinda) here too, joined last year but just calculated food, think maybe by reading and getting more involved it may help keep me motivated more!
    Good Luck to you! we can do this!! :happy:
  • tennies
    tennies Posts: 16
    hello, this site is really good and you can get lots of support from others in the same situation. don't give up and try your best not to cheat, if you start cheating then you are more apt to keep doing it, which will result in not losing the weight you want to. you can friend me if you like, and i will help you with support, best of wishes to you, hope you succeed
  • randilea
    randilea Posts: 140
    Welcome. The way I see it is you don't always fail...you only fail if you stop trying. Just remember to take it one day at a time and if one day isn't so great there is always tomorrow!! Good luck:bigsmile: