Can't sleep at night..

I'm usually very lazy, sleep all day, all night.
I don't know whether it's the extra vitamins and minerals that I've been trying to hit with MFP, or whether it's the extra enregy running through my blood from released, broken down fat. I know I had a similar experience when I was doing a ketosis programme, but now I'm getting loads of exercise, and feeling better for it.
Anyway, anybody else can't sleep with their new programme?


  • jrmc83
    jrmc83 Posts: 77 Member
    I find that I sleep a lot better (I used to wake up every hour-hour/half) but I get up way earlier and I'm more energized. Like I'll only need 6 hours and I run fine all day and don't need to nap. I miss sleeping in sometimes but I like the extra time during the day where I used to nap!
  • Fatlorenzo
    Fatlorenzo Posts: 101 Member
    I can't wait to get more energy, I'm trying to increase my sleep + iron..