Les Mills Body Pump

Anyone out there try this class or the dvds? I am ready to add some lifting to my routine and my gym has added Body Pump to their class schedule. Any feedback is appreciated. :wink:


  • jlc0213
    jlc0213 Posts: 3
    I love this class! Its challenging, but fun. I usually grab light, medium, and heavy weights to give myself options.
  • fitnthinby34
    I agree. I have not attended in awhile, but definitely plan to get back. It is a great class. It offers quality lifting, but also keeps your heart rate elevated so you will also see a decent calorie burn during the workout. Plus...Les Mills usually have great playlists!
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    I on the DVDs. The set was my introduction to using a barbell. I really like it. The music is great and the trainers are fun.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I attend a class like other posters have said it's really good. You'll definately feel the benefits of it. I found the first time a killer, but you soon get used to figuring out your breathing & the reps :smile:
  • mdn15
    mdn15 Posts: 145
    Did it for 1 1/2 years 3x/ week. I got stronger. Then I hit a plateau. Once you max out on the weights, I don't think there is much more you can do. For example, I can now dead lift 185lbs (12 x 3) and squat 145lbs (3x12 regular; 3x12 sumo), etc. There is no way one can do that in BP because not enough weights or space on the bar.

    I no longer saw any benefits.

    I moved on to heavy lifts and my body responded better. I am much more stronger and defined than I ever was in Body pump. I've developed muscles faster than I did in Body Pump. Lifting heavy is the fastest way I found to change my body. My body has changed more in the 6 months that i started lifting heavy weights than the 1 1/2 years of BP.

    To build more muscles, you have to continue challenging your body. Doing the same routine over and over again w/o being able to increase weights (b/c there is only so many plates you can put on the bar) will not help in building more muscles.

    Besides I no longer buy into their "marketing". I have seen "national" body pump instructors lifting heavy weights in order to get their bodies. So it is not just body pump that gave them their lean muscular body.

    I guess it depends on what you want in your fitness journey. If you want to increase muscles mass, lift heavy.

    Because of the "light" weights, it can be more cardio.