What are your September Goals?

Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
Normally I don't set monthly goals, but with the bad August that I have had (gaining BACK close to 10 pounds unofficially, will find out on the 2nd what the official damage is), I felt that I needed to put down in writing what my intentions are for the month that begins tomorrow.

1) No more sodas (diet or regular)
2) No fast food
3) cut down on energy drinks to 2 a week MAX!
4) Start back training for 5K
5) 2000 situps/crunches
6) start drinking 10 glasses of water a day

Numbers 1 - 3 are going to be the hardest for me, but all are doable. I went nearly 6 months without any sodas, then reached my goal weight and slowly they started creeping back into my diet.

Well, those are my goals, what are yours?


  • sexylonglegs
    1) lose eight more pounds by september end
    2) exercise more
    3) drink more water
    4) no late night cheating

    Good post!!!!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    1. Get closer to the low-150s
    2. Get more serious about Couch to 5k training - my 5k is like, middle of October! EEK!
    3. Have a stricter weekend diet
    4. Do my 200 Sit Up Challenge work
  • schoen185
    It's inspiring to read everyone's goals!

    I have such a good routine going with my workout and I love that part of this lifestyle so I'm focusing on my trouble spots in Sept: food.

    For the month of September my goals are:

    Log LOG LOG - even if I go over or don't eat "right"
    Lose 8 lbs! (that should come with the logging :)
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    I would like to:

    1. Stop eating out so much (especially going to my favourite Thai & Japanese restaurants- or at least avoid having soya sauce with my sashimi)

    2. Drink more water and green tea

    3. To lose "some" weight of course. (I have no control over how much my body wants to lose as I lose really slowly in general, so I'm not going to give a specific amount. Any bit of poundage this month I'll be pleased with)

    4. Persevere with the Couch to 5K and complete it. [On Week 5, Day 3)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    - Get out of the plateau!!! I've been stuck for almost 3 weeks now around the same weight.
    - Finally hit my mini goal of 160, and hopefully more than that. I'd like to lose 5 pounds in Sept.
    - Run 2 miles without stopping
  • clkinpa
    clkinpa Posts: 2
    I just joined yesterday, so one of my first goals is to locate a scale and see how much I actually weigh, because otherwise it's all guess work. That way I'll also have a better idea of what my goal weight should be. Right now I just want to fit into all my pants and be able to button my button down shirts, but I think having a clear goal would help me stay motivated.

    My second goal is to decide if I want to keep my currently unused gym membership but start actually going to the gym or if I should cancel it and join the yoga studio across the street (and then actually go). I think I'd be more likely to go to the yoga studio as it is literally right across the street - but the owner kinda gives me the creeps.

    My third goal is to watch my portion sizes.

    Good luck everyone!
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    I only have one main goal for September...hopefully it's not too unrealistic!

    I would like to weigh the same at the end of the month as I do at the start! :happy:

    Of course, normally I would be gutted with a month like that and would really want a loss...but I am away on holiday from the 8th - 25th September, so I figure that this goal is probably more achievable than trying to aim for a loss! I am not planning to log while away and while I don't intend to go crazy, it's my first holiday in a loooong time, so I'm going to enjoy myself, so will probably gain a bit - then there's only a week to drop it when I get back before the end of the month!!!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I really like this post.

    My goals for the month of September are:

    - to finish C25K (currently on week 6 day 2 tomorrow) and be able to run 5k at the end of week 9
    - to be at least 135lbs.. so I need to lose 2lbs by the end of September
    - to try new foods and add different meals to my diet to spice things up
    - to try a new work out.. I don't know if I should go for Insanity or Turbo Fire (?), I just want to try something new!

    Oh, and to also accept turning 24.. since my birthday is September 15... I feel like I should be 21. Even though I know 24 isn't 'old' it's just crazy how fast time goes by.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    my goals for september...
    1. to continue working out 4-5 days a week
    2. drink 10-12 cups of waters a day
    3. LOG LOG LOG LOG my food each and everyday
    4. keep my weekend eating in check....
    5. my goal for sept 4th is 213....
    6. my goal for oct 2nd is 206 so to lose 7lbs in the month of september...
    7. continue to log in daily
    8. keep going on C25K - i'm at the start of week 3 and would like to be at the end of wk 6 before september is over...
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    Good idea to write the goals down, I will do that. I like you love soda(we call it pop in my neck of the woods)I can't live without my diet cherry coke!!! I will say I have cut down a pretty good amount. I remember a time when I could drink 6 cans a day!!! Crazy huh? You gave me something to think about before the clock strikes midnight tonight, goals for September it's a new month a new start!
  • smilingslatka
    I would love to loose 11 pounds in Sep. But it's my Birthday and our Wedding Anniversary, so I would be happy, if I loose 9 or so.
    Drink more water. I am terrible with fluids, I just don't drink much really.
    Another goal is to tone up my arms & tighs. Very important!
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Ok here goes

    1) Less diet soda (max one/two cans per day)
    2) Start back training for 5K (kind of stopped at week 8)
    3) Drink more water although thats technically No. 1
    4) Swimming at 6:30 most morning where possible
    5) Cut down on the carbs that have slowly raised there ugly head
    6) Try to keep my motivation that disappeared somewhere in August :ohwell:
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    My goals:

    1. The 2000 crunch & plank challenge with my pals - YOU KNOW! :)
    2. Get back on track with my smart food choices ALL the time (been lazy lately)
    3. Not go over on sodium. Not even once. Not even on splurge night.
    4. Possibly come close to the goal in a 10,000 swing challenge (kettlebell)
    5. Shoot for losing 5 pounds in September but if I don't, I'll be proud of myself anyway.

    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    to teach Zumba on stage in front of about 1000 people in just a sports bra and cargo pants on Sept 26!! i'm putting on a huge fundraiser and don't want to look like I do at the moment!
  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    1) Keep up with working out at least 5 days a week
    2) See a change in number on the scale/inches gone when I weigh in and re-measure on the 29th
    3) Make smarter choices when I eat out
    4) Log in to MFP everyday and track!
    5) Drink more water

    GREAT POST!!!!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    My goals are:

    1. Log my food everyday!

    2. Drink more water!!!

    3. No eating out

    4. No alcoholic beverages

    5. Do something exercise related for myself each day, even if it's just a quick walk

    6. Only weigh myself Monday mornings

    7. Be a role model for my husband who wants to go on this journey with me
  • gilliland24
    Get rid of these 8 pounds to hit my 100 pound mark! and really step it up a notch to get to my goal!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    My goals for this month:

    1) Lose 10 lbs - I know its a lot, but I did gain back a bit this week since TOM came today. I was slacking for August & only lost 6.2 lbs. I lost 10.2 & 9.2 lbs in June & July. So I need to get back at it & work work work! For ME I've been slacking a bit.

    2) Complete at least thru week 7 of C25K. I restarted week 4 again yesterday.

    3) Bike at least 40 miles total for the month

    4) Jillian's 30 day Shred -- do at least 10 days this month

    5) Zumba & Water Aerobics classes - don't skip (which I haven't yet)
  • KPaden1221
    KPaden1221 Posts: 433
    Lose 10 more pounds by Sept 18th (i'm working my A$S off and watching every bite I take) AKA Wedding Day!
    To NOT gain ANY WEIGHT on my Honeymoon and maybe exercise atleast twice on the cruise
    No more soft drinks and only one small glass of tea a day
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    1. To finish 30 Day Shred.

    2. Go to Zumba every Tuesday.

    3. Lose at least 5 pounds.

    Good luck everyone!