Protein shake questions! help!

Well, I've hit a plateau in my weight loss and on top of that I am not gaining muscle like I thought I would I calculated how much protein I should have a day and I'm getting about 1/3 of it (if that calculation is right). Im 20, 128 pounds, 21.6 BMI, 1200 cal diet and the calculator I used said I should have about 74g of protein.

SO my questions are is that the right amount? Is it a good idea for me to start drinking these post workout- I've seen yes and I've also seen its bad for weight loss so I'm confused, but I have to get all my protein somehow! Plus, in my earlier post I was told in all responses to eat more and that I wasn't consuming enough calories so this should help with the cals too...right?

Here's some of the nutrition facts on the kind I bought, It is "Pure Protein whey protein"
160 cal per scoop (which is a serving size)
3g fat
190mg sodium
7g carbs
2g sugar
25g protein
20% calcium

Theres also 8 essential amino acids and 8 non essential is this a good idea to start doing post workout mon-friday?


  • Lillith23
    Lillith23 Posts: 11 Member
    Im super skeptical of protein shakes usually, being so heavily marketed and all. But then again I dont have a problem getting my protein in. Fish is an excellent way to add some in with out being high in fat. Same with chicken. Beans are great too. Although they arent as high as fish and chicken, they are good for you in other respects as well. Nuts are fabulous for snacking, just keep them portioned. They have lots of protein and are pretty satisfying. They would probably be great for you if you say you have been coming under your calorie goals as well. I would suggest also planning your meals with protein in mind.

    But since you bought it, might as well use it:)
  • Live4theLift
    Live4theLift Posts: 329
    I have 2 protein shakes a day, Morning for breakfast and after workout. The most debated topic is how much protien to get, for a bodybuilder looking to gain muscle its 1g per 1lb of lean body mass, i get 1 gram per lb of body weight and i am losing weight but retaining muscle. The protein can help with cals depending on what you mix it with, water wont add any cals but it will taste like crap, Milk can add cals and sugars pretty quickly, I like soy milk its higher in protein and lower in cals.
  • Barefoot115
    Barefoot115 Posts: 30 Member
    I love my protein shakes and feel like I see a big difference when I drink them consistently. I make them after heavy exercise in the morning. I mix my protein powder with 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, a half banana and either peaches, pineapple, or berries. I also make one with 1 cup of Kale, 1/2 green apple, 1/2 large ripe banana, vanilla protein powder, and 1cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk..sometimes I add a handful of blueberries or fresh pineapple, it's delicious!
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Try other foods with protein. for example, instead of rice use Quinoa.
  • wideeyedla
    wideeyedla Posts: 138 Member
    I've been doing green smoothies, but I am also on the low side for protein. Trying for no dairy or chemicals, so I just ordered egg white powder to add to those. You can sometimes find it in the baking aisle. Nothing but egg whites. Added bonus, it is cheaper than the shakes.
  • Mexi1Rose2
    It may seem high, but that amount of protein is essential for building lean muscle. Especially after lifting. I am not an expert, but I did train with a professional body builder, and one thing I learned was to consume a recovery drink or meal with at least 25 grams of protein within 45 minutes after a workout. If you are not eating enough protien, (complex carbs) your body will go into a catibolic state and basically consume the muscle you have to help restore the muscle tears you created in your workout. It's very hard to consume too much protien, especially if it's lean protein. If you add 1-2 protein drinks a day into your meal plan, I would think that would help.
    If you are unsure of the amount you are taking, talk to a trainer.