For all those who exercise help with calories

Hello all

I just want a few general opinions.

I exercise at least 3 times a week (spinning, aqua aerobics and swimming, and lbt or bootcamp) and sometimes for 4 or 5 (ballet, zumba, street dance).

I have definitely gotten smaller - however not lighter (muscle maybe). This is not a problem for me (anymore) as I am going by how I look.

The problem I have is how much do I eat? My MFP tells me 1200 and eat back calories burnt but when I did the TDEE as recommended by someone it said eat 3178!! Which is crazy.

My BMR was 1620.95.then when I times it by 1.55 it said 2512.

How much do people think I should be eating?

I am open to all opinions :)


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Are you using MFPs calorie estimates for your exercise expenditure? Personally I have found that they tend to be on the generous side.

    It sounds like moderately active would reasonably describe your activity level, I'd go with the 2,512 - 20%.
  • lcarter26
    lcarter26 Posts: 24
    I am using MFP calorie expenditure - I agree they are quite generous.

    By your suggestions that would mean eating 2004 calories?

    Would you say taht was about right Brian?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    This guessing game would be a lot more fun if you told us how much you weigh
  • lcarter26
    lcarter26 Posts: 24
    12 stone 12 - ive actually sorry at davpul