


  • dcr5452WECHANGED
    dcr5452WECHANGED Posts: 121 Member
    The darker the drink the higher the sugar content

    Vodka and gin are high in ABV but pretty much the lowest in cals.

    Guinness is high up on the calorie list.

    Lager would be lower..and so on and so forth :smile:

    Guiness is not high up on the calorie list.

    Guinness is on my light beer/low calorie list.

    The reality is that 12 ounces of the full-bodied, ruby red stuff has just 125 calories, which is less than the same amount of the orange stuff (OJ: 183 calories) and the white stuff (skim milk: 135 calories). It's also less than many popular beers, including regular Budweiser (143), Coors Original (148), Dos Equis (145), Miller Genuine (143), Sam Adams Boston Lager (160), Sierra Nevada Stout (225) and Anchor Porter (205). Even Guinness Foreign Extra Stout, with 176 calories per 12 ounces, is comparatively low in calories.

    ETA - Color and sugar content are unrelated. Guiness is dark due to somewhat burnt malt.

    By your reasoning Pina Coladas would be low in sugar.
    Thank you for setting the record straight. I am so tired of people saying all dark beer is high alcohol and heavier and more calorie laden. The color comes from the type of malt used which are called chocolate malts in the case of stouts. Higher caloric content comes from using more of each ingredient. Reminds me of a time at a brewpub when I heard one uneducated patron say to their friend--"They all taste the same, they're just different colors"
  • superjean1
    superjean1 Posts: 78 Member
    A GOOD quality tequila, lots of lime juice, topped with club soda. If you need it sweet, add a couple of drops of stevia liquid.
  • samalarky
    samalarky Posts: 2
    Vodka is already my preference, but to cut the calories I switched from mixing it with juice or soda to mixing it with club soda and lime juice. If you have a smooth vodka, it goes down nicely. I really don't miss the sugary mixers. And I never drink it wit diet drinks because the artificial sweeteners are toxic.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    The darker the drink the higher the sugar content

    Vodka and gin are high in ABV but pretty much the lowest in cals.

    Guinness is high up on the calorie list.

    Lager would be lower..and so on and so forth :smile:

    Guiness is not high up on the calorie list.

    Guinness is on my light beer/low calorie list.

    The reality is that 12 ounces of the full-bodied, ruby red stuff has just 125 calories, which is less than the same amount of the orange stuff (OJ: 183 calories) and the white stuff (skim milk: 135 calories). It's also less than many popular beers, including regular Budweiser (143), Coors Original (148), Dos Equis (145), Miller Genuine (143), Sam Adams Boston Lager (160), Sierra Nevada Stout (225) and Anchor Porter (205). Even Guinness Foreign Extra Stout, with 176 calories per 12 ounces, is comparatively low in calories.

    ETA - Color and sugar content are unrelated. Guiness is dark due to somewhat burnt malt.

    By your reasoning Pina Coladas would be low in sugar.
    Thank you for setting the record straight. I am so tired of people saying all dark beer is high alcohol and heavier and more calorie laden. The color comes from the type of malt used which are called chocolate malts in the case of stouts. Higher caloric content comes from using more of each ingredient. Reminds me of a time at a brewpub when I heard one uneducated patron say to their friend--"They all taste the same, they're just different colors"

    Personal pet peeve of mine too. You'll frequently see people say things like "I drink real beer, like Guinness, not that light beer crap which isnt even beer!!" (or some similar thing)

    Guiness is lighter than bud light. Lower alcohol and lower specific gravity.