Doing something wrong?

Hi guys

I do cardio 30min a day and weight train other 30min

I eat 1200 cal a day, eat some exercise cal back, and I am looking bigger! ( I am female so I don't want to)

Must I up my cardio? I eat in a deficit so why am I bulking??


  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    It's unlikely that you're bulking. What it is more likely is water weight, muscle swelling due to using them for exercise, sodium and water weight, possibly hormones, or just the general micro shifts that happen whenever we shock our bodies with a new routine.

    All of these things will settle out in time. No worries.
  • jessiefreedman
    jessiefreedman Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the reply

    But been doing this a while now and I'm not seeing a diff
  • jessiefreedman
    jessiefreedman Posts: 28 Member
    In terms of fat loss or shape. Just bigger
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Hm. Okay, let me give this a bump so that maybe some other more knowledgeable members can get in here and give you some answers!
  • jessiefreedman
    jessiefreedman Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks anyway