Army spouse in need of support!!

peyton23 Posts: 7
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to myfitnesspal. I am a Army spouse and really need to feel good about myself and my first step is to lose the extra 80 pounds I am carrying.


  • Welcome, and thank you for your family's service. Let's not think about the 80. Let's think about the first 5. It's easy to lose 5 pounds. After that, look at the next five. Before you know it, it will be 40 pounds, then 60. Small steps take you home.
    Lots of love!
  • 106246
    106246 Posts: 8 Member
    You are obviously a strong can do this...remember, slow and steady wins the race...each pound lost is a small victory and a step toward your goal...God bless you as you start shedding those pounds!!!!
  • waylward
    waylward Posts: 30 Member
    Wow, I just read your profile. An army mom of 2 young children! As other posters have said, you are obviously a strong person and I wish you a very healthy and sucessful journey losing the baby weight. I am in a similar situation with my weight and need to get rid of 60 lbs. Hopefully we will be able to support each other and keep each other motivated.
  • My husband is in the army! He's currently deployed so I'm no stranger to stress eating. I'm going to friend you.
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    First let me thank you for your support and your husbands service in the military. I know it's not easy. I just added you as a friend and would love to help motivate you. I'm new to this site about 3 weeks, but I've been dieting for the last 19 years. I've been up/down and around :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You just need to focus on the smaller goals - what can you do this week? Drink 8 glasses of water a day? Schedule to walk everyday? Cut out one item at a time and it all adds up to the big stuff,
  • pwurtz1231
    pwurtz1231 Posts: 14 Member
    Girl, I know how you feel. My husband is in the Navy, currently deployed, and my goal right now is to lose 70 pounds. I set my goal as 20 lbs, and I'm already at 7 lbs lost in 3 weeks. This website is such a great tool. It's made me more aware of what I'm eating and putting into my body. I want his eyes to bug out on the pier when he gets home, that's my motivation right now! Good luck with your goals!
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    I retired from the Air Force with 24 years total military service. Nothing was better than seeing my husband and children when I returned from remotes and deployments. He had to take on the burden of caring for our children, taking care of the house, and working, while I was gone. Sometimes, he was thinner, sometimes fatter. No matter what, he was beautiful to me. :wink:

    I am impressed with all spouses who take on the total load while their military partner is gone. The military member had stresses and loneliness, but the spouse, in my opinion, has more.

    Bless all of you, deployed or at home, military family members. May you succeed in your weight loss. May this effort keep you busy so time flies a little faster until your spouse returns.

    Hugs, from one who has been there (my husband also deployed before he retired from the Air Force.) :drinker: (water)
  • Hi, and welcome to the website. I am new too, and my husband is in the Army (Ft. Wainwright). We have two girls ages 13 and 10 and I am currently going back to school. You can do it and this is a great place for support.

    Anyone else - Please feel free to add me as a friend, I too could use them, Thanks!

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