So. I want to get skinny. And toned as a byproduct of working out.
How much working out do I have to do to lose weight?
I'm 5'8 and 135. Can I lose weight just by eating less?
However..I love to eat. SO eating less is not as easy as it sounds.
but MAYBE I could do it if I just snacked healthy.
The only fitness equipment I have access to is a treadmill.
And though I've run about 50 miles in the past couple weeks, I absolutely hate it.
I just need help and motivation and advice. so..come at me! :)


  • ncobb731
    ncobb731 Posts: 1
    Good thing you hate treadmills, because to get the body you want you will need to lift weights. You're already tall and thin. You aren't seeing the body you're looking for because you aren't doing resistance training.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    Don't worry, treadmills hate you to. Weights will to. You need to make them your ***** to get to your goals.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Yes, you can lose weight just by eating right, and by that, I mostly mean eating fewer calories than you use daily. Diet is most of the weight loss thing.

    I also don't care for the treadmill, that's why I just use if for a few minutes to warm up before my actual workout: weights.
  • martintanz
    martintanz Posts: 280
    If you hate it, you won't do it. BTW, 5'8" and 135 doesn't sound fat to me. Just find some exercise you like, or at least don't mind doing.