Lower Back SO SORE from Insanity

Hey guys!

I started Insanity on Monday and today I woke up and my lower back muscles are KILLING me... My legs and everything else is sore but it seems like my back is extra sore. Probably because I haven't worked out in a while. Has anyone else experienced this while doing Insanity? I'm determined to finish the entire program this time!!!


  • silentwave
    silentwave Posts: 2 Member
    Yes i was the same, when i started it the first time round, just make sure you complete the whole of the warm and cool down aswell and your body will get used to it after a couple of weeks.
    Alternative see if you can get a back massage to help relax your lower back, that may help aswell
  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    Stretch, stretch, stretch. Make sure you are stretching your hamstrings, hips and calves. Hip tightness can often lead to lower back pain. If you have a foam roller, roll out before you go to bed.
  • TinkTribe
    TinkTribe Posts: 24 Member
    Okay thanks for the advice. I've been stretching before and after the workouts but hopefully it will feel better after I do Day 3 workout tonight and I am able to stretch it out. Thanks!
  • kaleena1983
    kaleena1983 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm in my last week of Insanity and have numerous sore spots. lol Just be careful with your back. When you're sore, you're more susceptible to injuries. I pulled my lower back and it was not fun for about a week. On the exercises that exacerbate it, just modify or do something different. It's not worth an injury!
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Stretch. Stretch before you work out. Stretch after you work out. Stretch when you get up in the morning. Stretch after every meal. Stretch before bed. And drink. That helped both times I did Insanity. It helped get the lactic acid out. And I kept working out.
  • mrsdwp
    mrsdwp Posts: 13 Member
    Yes, I'm on week 2 and my lower back is pretty sore. I've noticed I have to be very careful with my form, especially when doing all the plank form exercises. When I get tired my back wants to sink low and it twinges. I just focus on keeping good form and doing less reps if I'm tired.
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    I'm on my first week of month two, and for the past few days mine was so stiff and sore... Just did Max Conditioning yesterday and the stretch felt so good! Today it doesn't hurt at all!

    Keep stretching and be careful if you're still working it while sore :)
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Hi! I just finished Insanity and I had the same problem. I would definitely pay attention to your form, especially when doing the jumps and planks even if you have to go at a slower pace. Stretching is very important especially in the hamstrings, glutes and hip flexors. If those muscles are tight it will cause soreness in the lower back. I recommend at least another 5-10 mins of stretching after you finish. I would also recommend the Beachbody Results & Recovery Formula because it has the right combination of nutrients needed post workout, especially with Insanity. If you notice they drink it in the workouts for a reason, and not just to sell a product. I used it through the whole program and even drank it during the workouts in the second month. It's what your muscles need to repair themselves and there is nothing like it. If you want more information feel free to message me. It's just a suggestion and I'm not trying to sell anything. Insanity is intense and recovery is very important so I can't stress enough how important stretching is, but make sure you aren't stretching cold muscles. Hope this helps and if you need help just feel free to message me.
  • Yea. I have the same problem. I need to sit with cusion support. Also , moves were u bend down, if I am finding it difficult I will only go as far as I can and not push it e.g. suicide
  • If it continues for a while I suggest a chiropractor. I'm in month two and started having lower back pain and stiffness so I saw my chiropractor and my pelvis was all crooked! That explains the pain! I feel much better now! Don't let it go and definitely keep stretching and ice if necessary!!
  • If it continues for a while I suggest a chiropractor. I'm in month two and started having lower back pain and stiffness so I saw my chiropractor and my pelvis was all crooked! That explains the pain! I feel much better now! Don't let it go and definitely keep stretching and ice if necessary!!

    I wouldn't trust a chiropracter. If he said it was a crooked pelvis. Although the pelvis has different elements to it, it can't move it's fused together, so it would be impossible to "de-crookied-fy" the pelvis....
    He might have done somethign to make u feel better, but personally I wouldn't go to a chiropractor before going to a doctor as if somethign happened to my back I wouldn't be too happy. Even pelvis, as it has a vast blood supply
  • I started Insanity on Monday too. This is my second round. Now I just need to keep track of what I eat so I can get better results this time.
  • evt84
    evt84 Posts: 71 Member
    I find that my lower back hurts the most after I do the Cardio Abs workout. I think its because I try to keep my core so tight and there's a lot of "c-sit" exercises. Whewww....it definitely works muscles I didn't know existed!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Do not stretch cold muscles. This could lead to injury.

    At night, try taking a warm bath to loosen your muscles. Right after your bath, do some stretching, foam rolling, and see if you can get someone to massage your back. I actually have a Brookstone massager that I use to do this to myself.

    I have a lot of chronic back pain.

    Also look into yoga. Just google "yoga for back pain" or search on youtube and you'll find some great routines to help open your back.
  • TinkTribe
    TinkTribe Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for the advice! My back is feeling a little better today but now my calves are on fire! I guess from all the jumping and butt kicks in the warmup. Yesterday I burned 150 in the warmup alone! Feeling pretty good though. I'm sore in place I never knew existed!