New to the site from NY -Wy


My name is Conchita and I'm new to the site. I started dieting about 2 and half months ago. I've lost 37 lbs prior to registering on the site. I was looking for the calories to something I ate and this site came up. I decided to check it out and I liked what I saw. I've been on here now about a week and half and have been faithfully logging what I eat. I haven't really been doing so well since I've been feeling really tired for the past 3 weeks. I feel like now I'm somewhat back on track but it's been a little hard for me lately since I've been at a stand still with my weight for two weeks now but I'm not discouraged. It took me a while to really get motivated but I finally did and here I am now. My uttimate goal is to drop 80lbs.


  • DeanaMarshall
    DeanaMarshall Posts: 22 Member
    Conchita- way to go! You are half way there. I hate when my weight loss levels off, I know what you are going through. I have found this site to be really helpful. It's almost like a game: stay in the green and in deficit with calories. Are you exercising? I just started running again and it has been helpful. I have been on the site a few days and I have been enjoying it. Best of luck in your journey! -D
  • dbchick27
    Thank you. I was excerising 7 days a week prior to 3 weeks ago but I'm slowly getting back into my routine. I can't quite run yet but I working up to it. :D