I have NOOOOO self control.

Jbaby187 Posts: 14 Member
How is it that no matter what I eat good or bad, I constantly feel STARVING and that I must eat. I cant lie I love food but, I don't ever recalling having this problem. I talk to my friends about it and I get the jokingly answer of you 'You're pregnant' Is there anyone who knows the trick to settling this constant urge to eat? HEEELLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPP.


  • wwillnow
    wwillnow Posts: 5 Member
    I'm not sure what the cure is but I feel like that a lot too. Sometimes if I drink 16 to 20 oz of water, it really helps!
  • Seefylol
    Seefylol Posts: 197
    Drink a lot of water and try to split your meals throughout the day. Or eat foods with more fats, they normally keep me full.
  • Katkamm77
    Katkamm77 Posts: 108 Member
    I don't want to sound like a know-it-all but, I started 6 wks ago so, I remember being like that all the time. People here will probably ask you if you're eating all your calories, etc. And they will be right but, I know when I started and was eating correctly I was still hungry. I think it's all psychological. When I was hungry or craved something (and it was all the time) I would "just say no". It was not easy but, it's the only way. You have to commit to this and stick with it. It gets easier. It really does. And, it doesn't take that long. Good luck.
  • sarahdmccallum
    sarahdmccallum Posts: 23 Member
    A few tricks to try:

    Lots of small healthy snacks between small meals, figure out what you typically eat in 3 meals and split it into 6 smaller meals instead.
    Drink lots of water, often when you feel hungry you are actually thirsty, most people don't drink nearly enough water. If you get really bored of plain water either add crystal light (if you're ok with aspartame) or flavor your water with natural fruits or drink herbal teas.
    Eat slowly! It takes time for your brain to tell you that you are full, so eat small bites, chew lots and take time while you are eating.
    Choose lots of foods that are very high in protein and fiber, both will help you to feel full in smaller portions, and for a longer amount of time.

    Hope this helps
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    Staying hydrated with water helps, spread your eating out to 5 or 6 times a day...
  • i hear you! i'm good at work during the day, then BLAM. get home and lose all control. or can't say no to pop. or too busy so I will just grab take out. the list goes on and on. i'm sick right now and can't wait to feel better so i can go at it again. i'm not using my illness as an excuse to eat more, but it's hard to stay on track when you're sick and/or sad. sometimes i just can't stop myself from the bad food/drinks. it's an addiction for sure.
  • Jbaby187
    Jbaby187 Posts: 14 Member
    I only drink water. I hate milk, don't car for juice or soda. I do have one down fall and that is Red Bull I have cut that out since I started my diet/lifestyle change. Does anyone know if may that could be helping my urges to eat? Maybe I am lacking sugar from my daily dose of Red Bull?
  • maytalharrosh
    maytalharrosh Posts: 16 Member
    Thats exactly.how I felt when I was nursing. Never felt full or satisfied. Try drinking more liquids, especially water.
  • Jbaby187
    Jbaby187 Posts: 14 Member
    i hear you! i'm good at work during the day, then BLAM. get home and lose all control. or can't say no to pop. or too busy so I will just grab take out. the list goes on and on. i'm sick right now and can't wait to feel better so i can go at it again. i'm not using my illness as an excuse to eat more, but it's hard to stay on track when you're sick and/or sad. sometimes i just can't stop myself from the bad food/drinks. it's an addiction for sure.

    I can honestly say when I am at home I don't really have the urges as much. (probably because I don't have anything too bad in my house & I am always busy in the pool) My worst time of day is between the hours of 8:30-5. We have so much delicious and totally bad for you junk in the office. I also work in downtown SF and there are sooo many wonderful places to eat and c'mon who really wants to pay as much for a salad as you can something totally desirable.. lol
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    water is your friend it works well, or alternatively we can break both of your arms you choose LOL JK
  • Jbaby187
    Jbaby187 Posts: 14 Member
    Staying hydrated with water helps, spread your eating out to 5 or 6 times a day...

  • Jbaby187
    Jbaby187 Posts: 14 Member
    water is your friend it works well, or alternatively we can break both of your arms you choose LOL JK

    I am totally down for that as long as I have a Dr.s note for work!! LOL Btw I love water. It's all I drink.
  • kellyjamespro2012
    kellyjamespro2012 Posts: 29 Member
    How much water do you drink?
  • kaniar1
    kaniar1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, take ONE bite of what you want then walk away and do something, anything, it will be off your mind and you can move on---here is to a new you,
  • Jbaby187
    Jbaby187 Posts: 14 Member
    How much water do you drink?

    Probably 10-12 glasses or so. I am so serious when I say that is all I drink. Unless it's cocktails on the weekend.
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    When I am having a hard time with self control, I find it is usually because I am not connected with my goals. If I notice I'm losing control, I'll remind myself what I want, why I want it. If the goals I set are no longer what I want, i'll change them to something more exciting to me in that moment. Simply telling myself "No" has never worked, hence why I'm here. But finding goals I'm SUPER excited about reaching and reminding myself that the only way to get what I want is to follow the plan actually does help me focus! Good luck to you!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    i hear you! i'm good at work during the day, then BLAM. get home and lose all control. or can't say no to pop. or too busy so I will just grab take out. the list goes on and on. i'm sick right now and can't wait to feel better so i can go at it again. i'm not using my illness as an excuse to eat more, but it's hard to stay on track when you're sick and/or sad. sometimes i just can't stop myself from the bad food/drinks. it's an addiction for sure.

    I can honestly say when I am at home I don't really have the urges as much. (probably because I don't have anything too bad in my house & I am always busy in the pool) My worst time of day is between the hours of 8:30-5. We have so much delicious and totally bad for you junk in the office. I also work in downtown SF and there are sooo many wonderful places to eat and c'mon who really wants to pay as much for a salad as you can something totally desirable.. lol

    This stuck out to me--what ARE your calories in vs. calories out? In other words, how much would you say you aim to eat, how much do you tend to actually eat, and what sort of exercise are you doing? I have a really, really hard time registering hunger from years of anorexia, but swimming--even walking around in a pool--still gets me hungry.

    You just started, so I'm guessing you're set at too low of calories, making you want more to eat. It's very possible it could be more mental/emotional, but it'd be helpful to know if your "nooooo self control" isn't actually your body wanting to fuel itself.
  • Sactown900
    Sactown900 Posts: 162 Member
    Staying hydrated with water helps, spread your eating out to 5 or 6 times a day...


    I am going to try this. I eat GREAT all week, then go WAY OVER on Friday.
  • kellyjamespro2012
    kellyjamespro2012 Posts: 29 Member
    What do you typically eat for breakfast?
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    How much are you eating calorie wise in a day? How much protien, fat, and fiber do you consume? Do you eat back anything you exercise off? Eating a good amount of protien (at least 75 grams or more is when I don't feel hungry) combined with some good fats (avocados, peanut butter, olive oil, ect) and fiber through out the day (oatmeal, vegies, fruit) If you eat healthier options it allows for about twice as much food (look at my diary) :) Days I eat not so great options I feel famished and my diary looks empty, but yet I have the worst time staying under my goal those days :p