Nighttime Failure

I have been trying very hard lately to get myself back on track. I've gained nearly 20 pounds back of what I've lost. I'm noticing that I do pretty good during the daytime but as soon as I get home from work it seems like I have no control. It's like I'm watching myself from the outside self destructing as I keep eating junk. How do I break the cycle and get back on track?


  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    don't buy the junk. I eat greek yogurt or protein bar if I get real hungry or protein shake. Anything high in protein seems to help, tuna, cheese,eggs. I have to plan the day before but my weakness is night also. Keep saying I want to fit in those clothes!

    oh yea, also sugarfree gum!
  • rkoontz902
    Thanks for the suggestions. I've been struggling some in part due to new found food allergies (potatoes, bananas, rice, carrots, and eggs) along with a lactose intolerance. I almost don't know what to eat anymore since my usual meals and snacks would have at least one of those things in it. Now there is only so many peanuts and almonds a person can munch on.