Is it possible to run too much??

I've been doing P90X for almost a month and i recently took up running as well. I'm a beginner and i've been going almost every morning. If i feel any pain or discomfort i take a day off to heal. But most days i feel great and i feel disappointed when i cannot go. I love the feeling of getting up early and the fresh morning air. I feel like if the people on the biggest loser train as much as they do.. a little extra cardio couldn't hurt me right?? I do 5kms and just try to beat my time every run. Any avid runners out there have any tips??


  • johnmcc22
    I just got a copy of p90x, just have to put the dvd's in, good luck with your workout.
  • ysaidpie
    Posted twice.... Ooops :/
  • ysaidpie
    Not sure what P90X is....? I have been running every morning for the past few weeks as well, and I am really enjoying it. I can't believe how much my endurance has increased and how much my time has improved in such little time!! I am by no means an experienced runner, but I have found that changing it up helps with time. I run a trail on some days, which makes me work harder. So when I run blacktop the next day- it is so much easier and my time is better. I also bring my daughter in the jogging stroller sometimes which really picks up the intensity for me. Again, when I go alone I notice a greater endurance. I am going to check back this post as well, to see what tips I can pick up for my new found hobby. Have you given any thought to what you will do come winter? I am in New York and winter will be here before know it.... Not sure how I will adapt to running in cold temps and snow, or what sneakers will hold up to the weather!
  • stfuandrun
    stfuandrun Posts: 106 Member
    Another runner (a doctor) I post with on a running message board says, "Run more, mostly easy, sometimes hard." While competing with yourself is fun and keeps it interesting, the potential for injury from running hard most the time is increased.

    My advice: keep on running, listen to your body (as you are doing), and try running easy. You may find that you can go much further than 5k if you slow it down a notch. ;-)