No one notices my weight loss



  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    As long as YOU notice I think that does the job. I understand you wanting the kudos though.. I haven't gotten them either, I give them to myself all the time, ALL THE TIME lol. If you aren't your own cheerleader.. who else will be?
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    As long as YOU notice I think that does the job. I understand you wanting the kudos though.. I haven't gotten them either, I give them to myself all the time, ALL THE TIME lol. If you aren't your own cheerleader.. who else will be?

    Good point.

    I'll give you kudos. :)
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    do something nice for yourself every hair,pedi,mani etc ..people notice that stuff more...sneaky eh...hahah

    True, people do notice that type of thing more.
  • Hey, that may not be true!

    Believe it or not, I've discovered a lot of people notice it, but won't say anything about it. That happened with me. I had lost so much weight, and NO ONE NOTICED (at first). The first time someone said something to me, it was because I brought it up, and she insisted that she saw a difference but didn't really ever come across the topic in conversation/didn't want to offend me and make me think I had looked bad before the weight loss.

    ^^Oh, and that was after losing 30 lbs too.

    Plus, it's difficult for people to notice things like that right away. You lose weight so slowly that it doesn't really hit a person how much slimmer you are until they look at an old photo of you. Think about it: they see you ALL the time. If they saw you at the start of a month, and then hadn't seen you again till the end, THEN they would probably take note instantly.

    Don't take it personally, and keep going :). Remember, you're not doing this for other people, you're doing this FOR YOU. As long as YOU notice a difference, that's all that matters. At some point, it'll hit people how much you've progressed, but for now, wait patiently ^_^.
  • KathryneJY
    KathryneJY Posts: 83 Member
    I am pretty forthright with my fitness goals, so people don't mind commenting. Because I make a point of walking every day at work, and come back all sweaty, people know I'm on my journey. I lost a bunch of weight a few years ago (50 lbs) and people didn't start noticing it until I hit 25-30 lbs lost. When you're big like I was (210 lbs), that first 20 lbs isn't that obvious to people. But soon, people will start commenting. Then comes the "you're losing too much" comments and you feel like you have to start explaining yourself.

    That's why I don't keep it a secret. I don't talk about it unsolicited, but I'm open to people who do comment and don't get offended when people point out that I have lost weight. Most people ask if I went for a run or something (I am a heavy sweater and walk very fast on my 40 minute lunchtime walks), and I just say yes, and they get all interested in my fitness regime. After that, the comments come rolling in.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    You lost 25 lbs and nobody notices? They must be blind! Unless you are one of those half-a-ton person, ( which I think you're not ), it's impossible for 25 lbs to go unnoticed. They must be jealous!


    and they may not feel comfortable saying anything
    post some before and afters and u are sure to get some comments!

    I figured I'd wait until I was under 200 before posting pictures. :)
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss ........ 25 pounds is fantastic ...... keep on truckin' !
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    As others have said, there's a bunch of reasons people may not have said anything.

    I've lost 50 pounds and and now at my goal weight and size. I lost 25% of my body weight and many people I know that I don't see that often have never said anything about my weight loss. It's a little perplexing but I shrug it off.

    Congrats to you!
  • dgb26
    dgb26 Posts: 77
    I'm responding to this because my answer is slightly different than the rest I have read.

    I am down 37 lbs...and when I see photos of 37 lbs ago, I cringe. The difference is shocking.

    I was about to spat off a response that nobody has noticed....blah blah blah. BUT THE TRUTH IS---THEY HAVE! People have been saying things about "I look skinny, I look great, am I working out?, I look strong, my shoulders look broader, my face looks thinner, my waist looks thinner". When I really think about it, I have heard all of those things. The problem lies with the fact that my weight and my appearance since I've been losing the weight is ALWAYS on my mind. Therefore I always need compliments to keep me happy. Its like, its on my mind, it should be on theirs too. But its not. They have said their comments and moved on. I've noticed people lose weight before myself, but rarely mentioned it more than once or twice. I can live with others doing that to me.

    This thread and my own reflection of this realization has really helped me. I get it now!

    Think really hard...have you really heard no comments? Do you even know the people who you kind of expect compliments from? I was guilty of both of those.
  • two_octopodes
    two_octopodes Posts: 130 Member
    I've only had maybe 2 people who didn't know that I was trying to lose weight comment on my loss thus far. I think it's because I've been losing very, very slowly. Counting the few pounds that I lost before MFP, it has taken me 14 months to lose 32 pounds. I can't blame people for not noticing the incremental changes. About a month ago, two people who I had not seen in about 6-8 months both expressed shock at my appearance- I got big congratulations from them! It was a great reminder that I really have been changing over this period of time.

    And to be honest, it's really only now, after 32 pounds, that I really even see the difference. Weight loss is weird.