Successful Weight loss--how much do you exercise?



  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-60 min. Here's my schedule at the moment:

    Monday - 1 mile run to warm up, lift 25 min
    Tues - Intermediate Ballet class (90 min) or Power Yoga DVD (40 min)
    Wed - 2 mile run to warm up, lift 20 min
    Thurs - Basic Ballet class - 1 hr
    Fri - 3-4 mile run or REST
    Saturday - 15 min elliptical to warm up, lift 25 min
    Sunday - REST

    Edited to add that I had a reasonably healthy diet (meaning cheats here and there but "good" most of the time) during my weight loss over the past year. Exercise alone won't get you very far, especially for the last 25 lbs.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    5-6 hours a week.

    3 hours of weight lifting (MWF, mostly, full body free weights/compound/heavy)
    2 hours of cardio (anything from group classes to elliptical to running, usually one HIIT session a week)

    On weekends I sometimes did yoga, went on a run, but rarely anything more structured.

    I added activity in all areas of my life, though. A LOT more recreational "exercise" like family walks to the grocery store instead of driving, bike rides, hikes, etc.

    Now that I'm maintaining, I've keep the regular recreation that's fun, but I do less cardio and more lifting. 4 days a week of weights, maybe a group class, and I still run because I enjoy it. I can't remember the last time I got on a piece of cardio equipment for more than a 5 minute warmup before lifting. I didn't enjoy that time during the weight loss phase, and I dropped it like a bad habit (which it kinda was....) once I hit maintenance.
  • chankanaab07
    chankanaab07 Posts: 48 Member
    I've loved reading everyone's responses!

    A little bit about my routine:

    I have a desk job and make it a point to exercise ~5 times/week. It varies week to week, but usually 3 of those days are intense workouts at the gym. I am never there more than 45 min (it's usually more like 30), doing a combination of cardio and weight training. Even though that's not a huge chunk of time, I make it count and leave drenched in sweat. The other couple of days a week I get in exercise is pretty light, walking my dogs at the park for 30 min - 1 hr at a time.

    Everyone's different in their goals, and it's all about finding the right balance that works for you. :) I've found that generally short, intense workouts are best for me. As another poster said, "Quality over quantity"!
  • alexandrazzzz
    alexandrazzzz Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you everyone!
  • Happyme2009
    Happyme2009 Posts: 233 Member
    I eat about 2000-2500 cals a day. Sometimes in the weekend more.
    I go to gym 5- 6 times a week. Usually I lift weights for about 30- 45-60 min and after I do cardio another 30-45 -60 min ... ( depends, if I lift weights 30 min then I do 60 min of cardio, and the other way around. Also it depends on my energy level... sometimes I do more.
    Never less than 1 hour though.....
    I loooooovvvvvveee the gym now.
  • AmandaGuele
    I know my tracker says I've only lost one pound--but I've started dieting and exercising long before I joined this website. I used to be at about 200 lbs. Now, I'm at 146 lbs and only sixteen lbs away from my goal.

    The secret?

    Don't exercise too much.

    When I first started exercising I realized I gained weight. Not muscle weight. Fat weight.

    I was working out WAY TOO MUCH. Not only was I tiring my body out and not giving my muslces time to heal, but my body was becoming used to the constant, excessive amount of exercise, thus it had no effect on my metabolism.

    And then there was the whole issue with eating more to compensate for the calories burned.

    So, what should you do? Unless you're training to become a professional athlete, exercise only 3-4 days a week. If you do any more, at least vary up/lower the intensity of the exercises and MAKE SURE you have a rest day.

    What do *I* do? Personally? I aim for 3-4 days a week. Sometimes I allow in 5, but usually I don't have enough time to fit that in anyway. I try to mix up the days--some days I do cardio at the gym (i.e: treadmill, elliptical, etc), some days I do weight training, others I do activities like bike-riding outisde or jogging through the's different, usually.

    Hope that helps :D.
  • ahmadfahmy
    ahmadfahmy Posts: 214 Member
    So, I lost a lot of weight by eating around 1400 calories and working out ALOT! 2+ hours day! I want to lose my last 25-35 but it is hard! I would love to hear from people who have lost a lot of weight consistently, how much did you exercise while losing weight? How many hours a day, how many times per week? What types of exercises? Thanks!

    2hrs+ 3 times a week
  • Scrogglez
    Scrogglez Posts: 26 Member
    I just lift x3 a week, walk every other day im not lifting, maybe skip a day or so because **** that.

    Whatever - just eat under your calorie goal and don't eat big macs all day every day and say HEY im under my goal..whatever
  • determined2bhealthy94
    Let me start off just by saying I am in desperate need of help, but please no rude comments.
    I am 271 lbs and I'm 5'7" I have to lose 130 lbs as soon as possible but in a healthy way.
    I need advice anything would be very much appreciated!
    I don't care for how fast I lose the weight as long as its in a considerable amount of time, I just want a plan that's a for sure plan to lose weight. So far starting from July 4th I have been on a 1500 calorie diet I burn about 590 or more calories a day swimming and walking. I'm interested in power 90 but nervous that it won't give me the results I'm looking for.

    Any advice would be very much appreciated!
    Thank you.
  • jkim0107
    jkim0107 Posts: 3
    No one yell at me...but ive been eating 500 cal a day and working out 3-5 hrs a day on the losing a pound a day