just started need friends to help me

321van Posts: 8 Member
Hey everyone i'm 17 amd I really want to lose weight. I've always struggled with it my whole life and my family isn't much of a supporter maybe you guys can help me stay motivated and be kept on track. Free feel to add me. I know I have a long journey ahead of me but im willing to actually do it. I don't want to br fat my whole life!:happy: :flowerforyou:


  • yaam1002
    yaam1002 Posts: 3
    You can do it! :) We'll all do it together.
  • friend request sent!

    I can totally relate, so hopefully we can both support and motivate each other :)
  • LN2004
    LN2004 Posts: 16 Member
    I'll send a friend request too. There are some wonderful and supportive people here for sure! You can do this!! We're here for ya :)
  • adenium11
    adenium11 Posts: 173 Member
    Hey! I wish I would have reached out at the age of 17! I didn't lose weight till I was 22, then gained it back .. dropped it.. had babies.. now dropping it for good! I really wished I would have had the support I find here... getting involved in a place like this really changes your world for the better! My parents have even really begun to respect me when I visit with not putting out the whole convenience store of snacks!

    Feel free to add me!
  • 321van
    321van Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you guys maybe this time ill actually do it right. I get so scared going to the doctors because they tell me my weight and then the doctor tells me how close I am to getting diabetes. I want to actually for once go to the doctor and tell him I did it. I feel like with you guys support I will able to do it!
  • Hey Ill be your friend on here. I need all the help I can get also :) If anyone wants to add me too please do!!
  • 321van
    321van Posts: 8 Member
    You can do it! :) We'll all do it together.