How Do You Find the Time?

I lost 15 pounds in 3 months with MyFitnessPal. It was going really great. People noticed, I felt happy that I finally was able to lose weight at 25 years old the healthy, natural way, and my husband was very proud of me. That was 3 months ago, and I was pretty much working about 35 hours a week.

Recently, my job has demanded I work 40+ hours a week. While that doesn't seem like much of a difference, those extra 5 or so hours a week were spent a) working out b) grocery shopping and c) cooking healthy, delicious meals. Now, I find I barely have time to control my diet, nonetheless work out. (And I work out at home! Which would seem like I would have plenty of time to do it! But I was doing P90X videos which are about 1 hour each, the only form of workout I've been able to do consistently! Ever!)

Any tips on how to continue my success with 5 less hours per week? Thankfully, I haven't gained any of my weight back, but I'm worried I will if I don't continue my routine. I want to lose about 20 more pounds to be at my goal weight. Is it true that the first 10 pounds are the easiest, and then it gets harder, or is it the first 10 pounds are the hardest? If it could be easier, that would be wonderfully awesome. Thank you for any help you may offer!


  • rundrinksleep
    rundrinksleep Posts: 7 Member
    I've always found it hard to find the time even though I'm single and don't have any kids and I see other people doing the juggling act and staying healthy. A lot of people swear by crock pots since it means a hot meal is waiting. I personally like to have a cookathon on Saturdays or Sundays (whichever is more convenient) and make a bunch of healthy freezable meals for when things get too hectic. That way there always is food there, but I still try to whip up something fresh or do a bit of both (pre-made chili in the freezer, heated up and put on a fresh taco salad). The only thing that works for me is schedule, schedule, schedule. Plan when to grocery shop, plan when to do a bulk of cooking, have a supply of quick but easy meals that only take maybe 30 mins to whip up. Hopefully that frees up the time to exercise!
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    I get up at 5 am, work out for 30 minutes, shower, and cook breakfast and eat and get to work by 8 am. It's harder for me to find time in the evening.
  • moondawg14
    moondawg14 Posts: 249 Member
    If you go "looking" for the time to workout, you'll never find it.

    When you get busier, you have to "make" the time to workout.

    Yes, you're going to have to spend less time with your other activities. It's a trade off.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    You don't find it, you make it. I am currently working 60-70 hours a week, but I still make sure to get my Insanity workout in every day. You always have time for what you prioritize. Your health just has to be on that priority list rather than on the "if I have time" list.
  • standoug888
    standoug888 Posts: 126 Member
    Make time for itt i work 40+ and it is easy to make time for it while doing other stuff im sure u watch tv before bed or somthin stoP that and bam you have plenty of time
  • iorion
    iorion Posts: 7 Member
    The crock pot and make-ahead meals sounds really helpful. Thank you for the suggestion! I think I'll focus on that for now and then have time to work out!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I'm in a similar position. I'm currently working 4-8 hours extra per week and doing P90X. I also have a 14-month-old son. Basically, I schedule it. Most of my extra work isn't time-sensitive, it's just a backlog, so I'm doing most of it on the weekends from home while my son naps. I work out as soon as we put him down for the night and might bang out an extra hour of work post-workout.

    You just have to make time. Schedule things if need be. I won't work out while my son is awake because I cherish that time with him.
  • popsicklestar
    popsicklestar Posts: 166 Member
    Yes, it's true that losing weight is easier the more you have to lose. It gets harder as you get close to your goal. When I was crazy busy during school last year, I would always go to the gym when I woke up on my two days off. That way, even on a difficult week where I didn't make it to the gym during the week, I would always get in at least two workouts. Usually, I could rally at least one weekday and get myself to the gym to at least get in three workouts. You should push yourself hard on the few workouts you get because you need to make them count. I would carry healthy snacks with me like protein bars, whole wheat pitas or carrots and hummus, and greek yogurt and pack a healthy lunch. It's hard, but you have to make diet and fitness a priority if you want results.
    I previously used the EXCUSE that I did not have time since I kept myself busy with lots of different tasks and commitments. And I stayed OBESE for 30 years. If you want to lose the weight and keep it off, you MUST exercise. It is call PRIORITIZE! If you really want this, you will find a way to get it done.
    You do not have to do all your daily exercise in one time slot. I walk for 30 minutes during my lunch break and then go home and do 30 minutes or more on an elliptical machine (before I take care of animals and a garden). On weekends, I get with friends and go hiking or biking. During the day, I find ways to get in extra steps by "taking the long way" to wherever I am going (restroom, copy machine, etc). Get a pedometer and plan to walk at least 10,000 steps per day. It is a great motivator. A FitBit liinks up with MFP!!
    Where there is a will- there is a way. good luck.
  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member
    good question! bump