One More Newbie

Hey there! I'm Hannah and this morning I had no plan to join anything like this site, but finding it and searching the blogs has motivated me to once again start the same endless weight loss journey that i've done a thousand times before, however this time i'm praying that I can continue to the end instead of stopping halfway through and running back to the start. I have about 46 lbs to lose and I'm pretty freaked out about it. I hope to meet some people on here going through the same thing and maybe find support in the form of fellow weight loss crusaders. I hope to be talking with many of you soon :) XX


  • NineInchGirl
    Nice to meet ya!
    Welllllll this is the place to be! We are all int he same boat and we kick each others butt and motivate each other to the bone! So welcome and i hope i'll hear more of you and your weight loss journey! :)
  • baldric1331
    baldric1331 Posts: 30 Member
    welcome to the site and hope that it goes well for you this time feel free to add me as a friend if you want to
  • Maggie1960
    Hello Hannah, I'm Maggie and I have 50lbs to lose which is daunting, to say the least. Actually, I only have 39lbs to lose now as I lost 11lbs in the first week:smile: So it does work! Feel free to add me to your friends and we can support each other on hte journey to slenderness.:flowerforyou: