Tall guys (and girls)



  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    Im 6'2 and my goal is to be around 190 with <10% bf is it possible might take years?
  • I'm freakishly tall at 6'7" and currently 207 lbs. (last weigh-in) I have my goal set at 186 but that can go up if I gain muscle mass with the workouts. 2 months ago I was 234 and severely out of shape. Now I still have the small spare tire happening that I hope around 190 will disappear as I build up my core muscles and tone.
  • I am 6'1 myself. Currently at, well, 360. Big man status. My goal right now is 200, but I am sure that will change.
  • GJRicketts
    GJRicketts Posts: 52 Member
    Goal: 195lbs
    Current: 217lbs
    I am working out and admittedly it's mass building as well as fat loss so it's likely if I get it right I'll not hit the 195lb mark but I'll still be lean as hell.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Current: 195
    Original Goal: 185
    Current Goal: 15% body fat
    I've reached a point where the number on the scale no longer matters to me. I want to get lean, but I like my muscle mass.
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    I am 6'3.
    CW is 296
    GW is 240 for now. I might re-evaluate once I will be under 250. Still a long way to go. I did my body composition analysis at the gym back in March and it showed that I have muscle mass mostly and I think due to that getting 225 would be really tough for me.
  • Kamatayan
    Kamatayan Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 6'6" with a very large frame (half Samoan).

    I started at 415
    I'm currently at 363
    Current goal is 280

    I felt my healthiest at that weight. Of course I could change my mind once I get there.
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    In for the tall men! :drinker:
  • roflsauce
    roflsauce Posts: 21
    6'8" Male. Current goal 243 pounds. I'll have too see what weight fits me though.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Height - 6 ft(184 cms)

    I am aiming for a LBM of 160 lbs with 12.5 lbs of fat(8% Bf)

    So that puts my goal weight to be approx 178.5 lbs(including BMC)
  • dh7474
    dh7474 Posts: 60 Member
    6' 3''
    SW 363
    CW 283
    GW 250- 235
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I like your avatar scrummy. It made me laugh! lol

    I'm 5'11 with a medium frame. My goal was around 165-170. However, I'm going by body fat % and measurements so I'm not really concerned with the scale.

    I've been around 185 and really like the way I look which is fit with some muscles and some curves (based on my measurements.) I have a 2 trouble spots that are slowly going away, so I'm not ready to call it a goal just yet.
  • 6'8" Male. Current goal 243 pounds. I'll have too see what weight fits me though.

    Finally someone taller than I am! Like others do to us, can I say "OMG you are tall!" ? LOL sorry it is a rare chance that I get to say that :P
  • Being tall, does anyone find certain things to be a challenge in their workouts, or otherwise? I finally stopped making excuses about having a disadvantage for some exercises since it was easy to say that my height was the culprit instead of my ability. I used it as a crutch, but no more. In fact we do have significant advantage over many.

    And yes I am sure we all have clothing challenges as well. I know I do! Sleeves and pant length are frustrating to say the least!!! LOL
  • hmoffatt
    hmoffatt Posts: 51
    6'1" here. Eight years ago I dropped from 150kg to 90kg. That crept up to 97kg over the last few years. Aiming for 90kg again now (198lb), and if that's not too painful I'll think about 85kg (187lb), which would be about 20% body fat I think.

    Haven't been 85kg since I was about 14..
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    6'0 with a larger build. Even if I drop a lot of weight, I'll never be "small." I actually had a woman tell me that I was built like a viking.

    But my current goal is to be under 200 for the first time in a long time. After that, maybe down to 180.
  • violettatx
    violettatx Posts: 230 Member
    Oh hi. I am 5' 11". Goal weight around 165ish, currently175ish. Finding pants with a long enough inseam is a nightmare.
  • Sactown900
    Sactown900 Posts: 162 Member
    Goal? 195 lbs.

    I am 6' 2" and down to 211 from last years 241. I was 262 in 1/1/2000. I have been lifting heavy for over 45 years.

    Family and friends see me no longer in XXL or XL clothes and say, "211 is enough. You look too thin."

    I was 205 in 1981 when I think I "lived" at the gym. At 195 I'll have my six-pack. LOL!
  • beekay70
    beekay70 Posts: 214 Member
    I am 6'1" and I'm shooting for 200 lbs. It all depends on your goals and your body composition. I am currently at about 210-215 and 16% body fat. If I maintain my current lean mass, at 200 lbs I will be near 10% body fat. When I hit that, my profile pic will change from a before pic to a shirtless after.