Vacation Foods... Uh Oh!

Ok, so I leave in three days to go on a week long vacation. I'm going to be visiting a college for the whole week and working around the clock on schoolwork there (It's an academic camp). We will be having food choices given, but there will not be all too large of a selection. I know I may not lose any weight during this week, but I want to not gain anything either. Do you guys have any guidelines that I could follow while I'm on my trips, I realize portions, portions, portions, but anything else besides that? Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!


  • NancyKhuu
    NancyKhuu Posts: 87 Member
    Same problem here. I always gain weight coming back from a trip because when I don't have to cook and get to socialize with people, I get hyped up and eat a lot... :(
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    Just watch the extras (dressings, cheeses, etc) that you put on. Also...take advantage of the campus! Walk around as much as you can, take the stairs to the dorms, etc. Also, see if the place you're staying has refrigerators so you can bring some of your own stuff, even if they do, maybe bring some snacks for throughout the day that you can munch on so you don't eat so much of potentially bad food (fruits, protein bars, etc), and do some homework now and find out if the area around the campus (not sure if it's a small or large campus!) has any places that might have better food that you could pop over to on any spare time you may have. Also drink a LOT of water, keep yourself filled on that so you're not mindlessly munching on stuff
  • ThatOperaGirl
    ThatOperaGirl Posts: 138 Member
    My rule of thumb is, whenever at all possible, is to serve myself half a plate of salad or vegetables before filling the other half of my plate with whatever's on offer. Really helps to keep my portions balanced. Don't be afraid to ask questions about the food if you're eating out -- and I'd definitely recommend asking for any sauces or dressings on the side and taking home leftovers for later if they'll let you. If someone serves you up a bigger portion than you need, there is nothing wrong with only eating until you're full! I also second the suggestion to bring your own snacks so you're not buying them on the go and end up maybe forced to choose less nutritious options than you'd prefer.

    I recently spent a week away from home for a singing competition, didn't log at all, but just tried to use common sense when buying food, and I ended up losing a pound that week without even feeling like it was an effort. If you pay attention to how you're balancing your meals throughout each day, you should be fine :smile:
  • suibhne
    suibhne Posts: 17
    Even on vacation, I insist on logging everything. I recognize that I can't always get all the data right, but I try to use reasonable analogs for what I'm eating. That keeps me mindful of my intake.
  • BlackBeltInTraining
    BlackBeltInTraining Posts: 30 Member
    Sadly I will not be able to bring my computer or other technology to the camp, so I cannot log, but I do want to keep on track, thank you guys so much for the advice, I will take all of this into account on my trip!