Crossfit for Newbies


Nana, here ....

Anyone in MFP does crossfit 3x/ week?
What advice do you give a not so fit newbie, like myself, when tackling the first day of crossfit session?

Looking forward to reading your expertise! :smile:

Thanks, mate!



  • nashai01
    nashai01 Posts: 536 Member
    There is a crossfit group on here called crossfitlove. My tip for a newbie is to just keep going. It never gets easier but it feels so good w hen your finished. Feel free to add me :)
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    I go 5x/week. I'm in Week 6.


    1) SCALE! SCALE! SCALE! Do not start off trying to Rx the WODs. Know your limitations and try to push just passed them.

    2) Google! Get as much head knowledge as you can.

    3) It never really should get 'easier'. You will always be trying to push yourself just a little further than the previous WOD. This is the design.

    4) Ask questions! If something doesn't feel right or you're confused ask the Coach.


    Bottom line, the first week is always the hardest. You will be sore, tired, sick, etc. Just push through it. You will love it.

  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    I go 4-6x per week depending on my schedule (1 FT job, 2 PT) Closing in on 4 years in Crossfit.

    Don't let anyone who hasn't done Crossfit talk you out of it.

    Go check out the main site ( It gives a lot of inspiration seeing the pictures and stories and other's times on workouts. Plus there are a lot of educational videos on the site showing you tips on working towards some of the more advanced movements. (Plus eye-candy! lots of eye candy!)

    I also agree with what has been said before me. And listen to your body. It will be sore, yes, but sore is different from actual pain. Know the difference and it will be your guideline for whether or not to keep going and/or pull back a little bit.

    Feel free to add me! I love hearing from crossfit newbies, because they make the biggest strides early on!
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Just adding my voice to the chorus! I've been doing CF 3x/week for the last several months now and I agree with all that has already been posted and would add that form should always come before speed. If your form is breaking down (and your coach should tell you when it is doing just that), scale it down or slow it down.

    Feel free to add me! I'm always looking for more CF friends!
  • BodyByBrusselSprouts
    BodyByBrusselSprouts Posts: 49 Member
    I go 3x a week and I started at the end of April, so about 2 and a half months. I love it! Here are a few of my observations.

    -Starting out in poor shape and in my 40s there were a lot of exercises I couldn't do, mostly due to mobility issues. Crossfit requires strength stamina and mobility and if you are like me starting out you won't have any of those. Do the best you can, talk to the coaches and scale your exercises (then do the scaled ones as hard as you can).

    -I noticed right around a month that I started to feel a lot better. My ability to do many of the workouts jumped and my flexibility improved. Same thing around 2 months. I still scale most of the workouts.

    -Don't expect to lose a lot of weight unless you follow a good diet. I lost exactly zero lbs in the first 1.5 months (although my pants loosened up quite a bit). Crossfit builds lots of muscle, So don't watch the scale. And if dropping lbs is important try to keep strict on the diet. I have tightened up the diet in the past month and lbs have started to drop.

  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    <-- 45 years old.

    My first month my 'Army Knee' was constantly aching. Now it feels better than ever. Just give your body the time it needs to adjust to the new level of activity.

    There's a reason they call it "Drinking the Kool-Aid"... you'll come to love CF like an addiction.
  • 1der_Nana
    1der_Nana Posts: 41
    There is a crossfit group on here called crossfitlove. My tip for a newbie is to just keep going. It never gets easier but it feels so good w hen your finished. Feel free to add me :)

    Thanks! Request has been sent. :)
  • 1der_Nana
    1der_Nana Posts: 41
    <-- 45 years old.

    My first month my 'Army Knee' was constantly aching. Now it feels better than ever. Just give your body the time it needs to adjust to the new level of activity.

    There's a reason they call it "Drinking the Kool-Aid"... you'll come to love CF like an addiction.

    I too, have a bit of a wonky knee. Surgery on the right. Am a bit restricted when it comes to very physical activities. I've learned to modify, however.

    How long before you acclimatsed to crossfit?

  • 1der_Nana
    1der_Nana Posts: 41
    I go 4-6x per week depending on my schedule (1 FT job, 2 PT) Closing in on 4 years in Crossfit.

    Don't let anyone who hasn't done Crossfit talk you out of it.

    Go check out the main site ( It gives a lot of inspiration seeing the pictures and stories and other's times on workouts. Plus there are a lot of educational videos on the site showing you tips on working towards some of the more advanced movements. (Plus eye-candy! lots of eye candy!)

    I also agree with what has been said before me. And listen to your body. It will be sore, yes, but sore is different from actual pain. Know the difference and it will be your guideline for whether or not to keep going and/or pull back a little bit.

    Feel free to add me! I love hearing from crossfit newbies, because they make the biggest strides early on!

    Cheers, lovely!

    Wow! Four years of doing crossfit. That's dedication! :happy:
    Thanks for the website. I schemed through it during lunch break. Will re-visit it later today.

    Am currently shopping for crossfit spots to give a go. Any suggestions on what to look for in a reputable one?

    Thanks in advance, luv!



    friend request sent. :)
  • 1der_Nana
    1der_Nana Posts: 41
    Just adding my voice to the chorus! I've been doing CF 3x/week for the last several months now and I agree with all that has already been posted and would add that form should always come before speed. If your form is breaking down (and your coach should tell you when it is doing just that), scale it down or slow it down.

    Feel free to add me! I'm always looking for more CF friends!

    Thanks for the advice! I will remember that proper form is better than having speed. :smile:
    How do I know my future coach is a good one, or better yet, the right one for me?
  • 1der_Nana
    1der_Nana Posts: 41
    I go 3x a week and I started at the end of April, so about 2 and a half months. I love it! Here are a few of my observations.

    -Starting out in poor shape and in my 40s there were a lot of exercises I couldn't do, mostly due to mobility issues. Crossfit requires strength stamina and mobility and if you are like me starting out you won't have any of those. Do the best you can, talk to the coaches and scale your exercises (then do the scaled ones as hard as you can).

    -I noticed right around a month that I started to feel a lot better. My ability to do many of the workouts jumped and my flexibility improved. Same thing around 2 months. I still scale most of the workouts.

    -Don't expect to lose a lot of weight unless you follow a good diet. I lost exactly zero lbs in the first 1.5 months (although my pants loosened up quite a bit). Crossfit builds lots of muscle, So don't watch the scale. And if dropping lbs is important try to keep strict on the diet. I have tightened up the diet in the past month and lbs have started to drop.


    Cheers, David!

    One of my major concern with doing crossfit is that I have a bummed knee, and it medically restricts what I can physically do. However, am glad that you stated routines can be modified. Are there any that cannot be modified/scaled?

    Well done on your crossfit journey, mate! May I ask, what prompted you to do crossfit?

    Thanks for the correspondence! I sincerely appreciate yours, and everyone's feed-back. :)


  • 1der_Nana
    1der_Nana Posts: 41
    There is a crossfit group on here called crossfitlove. My tip for a newbie is to just keep going. It never gets easier but it feels so good w hen your finished. Feel free to add me :)

    Cheers, miss!
    Thanks for the correspondence. Friend request, sent. :)
    How long have you been doing crossfit? What were your thoughts when you first experience the crossfit?
  • BodyByBrusselSprouts
    BodyByBrusselSprouts Posts: 49 Member
    I think pretty much all the exercises can be scaled. Your coach should give you alternative during the class. I'd let him/her know beforehand about your knee too.

    I had been eating a Paleo/Primal diet for the most part for a while and kind of plateaued. I needed something to get to the next level, saw a groupon for a month of unlimited classes at a box right by my house. Since I am cheap I went to as many classes as I could in that first month (22 in 30 days). By then I was hooked, so I signed up for a year of 3x a week classes.

  • songbirdtree
    My advice would be not to let it intimidate you and also to give everything an honest 110% effort. I see so many women cheat or do things half-assed and then wonder why they don't get results. The person who does every single rep correctly, even if they're the last person to finish, is usually more successful in the long run. Good luck!! I hope you fall in love with it like I did.