eapr Posts: 14
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I have read some pretty concerning things about Splenda and artificial sweetners. Although the extra calories bother me, I have switched to Honey to sweeten my tea and coffee. Next, no more diet sodas...What else is out there to drink that is low in calories? Also, what else can you sweeten tea or coffe with other than honey. I really don't want to use sugar.



  • use stevia, its a natural herb used as sweeteners, thats what i use and it has no sugars or sucralose, or aspertame, all natural
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I sweeten my tea with honey every day and manage to get all my proper nutrition and stay under my calorie goal, so it's really not a huge deal. Half a tablespoon is plenty and only 30 calories.

    There really isn't anything that doesn't have calories that doesn't have artificial sweetener for sweetening your coffe or tea or whatever. But, honestly, a little bit of sugar isn't going to hurt you. Brown sugar is better than white (has some nutrients, even) and honey has some nutrients, as well. It isn't all bad.

    As for what to drink, well, water comes to mind. You could squeeze some citrus fruit into it or add a slice of cucumber if you don't like plain water.
  • I've tried Crystal Light Pure Fitness Lemon Lime. It's sweetened with cane sugar and Truvia (also known as Rebiana, a Stevia sweetener). Only 3g of sugar per serving. Artificial sweeteners always make me ill, but Truvia has not so far. It's made from the Stevia plant so it's natural as opposed to the manufactured sweeteners. There are many variations of Stevia sweeteners... Truvia, etc. Just do your research b/c each variation is different.

    I've tried Truvia in coffee, but to me it makes the coffee taste bitter.

    Also, I sweeten my tea with lemon instead of sugar.
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    Have you tried Stevia? It's natural, comes from a plant, a lot sweeter than sugar so you only need to use a tiny bit and studies thus far have shown it to be safer than artificial sweeteners and actually seems to benefit insulin production and a low carb diet. Raw sugar isn't bad either - it's less processed than regular white sugar and you don't need as much of it. I started using it in my coffee/tea (before trying Stevia) and cut my sugar calories in half just because I am using less.
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member
    stevia - has after taste, I love sun crystals it is from plants too and taste better.
  • Agave nectar is very good also for sweetening tea and oatmeal....it is natural....comes from the agave plant...it has more of a maply flavor to it...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Agave nectar is very good also for sweetening tea and oatmeal....it is natural....comes from the agave plant...it has more of a maply flavor to it...

    The only reason I didn't mention that one is she's looking for lower calorie and agave is the same (calorie-wise) as honey and sugar.

    I haven't tried it myself, but have heard it's good.
  • I've found Hansen's fruit stix very tasty and refreshing. They're the same concept as Crystal Light but sweetened with Truvia and have only 10 calories per packet. Just mix it with your water. It also has 100% Vitamin C.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    I'm an agave nectar user as well. It's got a low GI number and doesn't spike your blood sugar :)
  • stevia - has after taste, I love sun crystals it is from plants too and taste better.

    I like/use Sun Crystals as well (5 cal per packet since it does have some pure cane sugar in it as well as stevia, and one packet is super sweet so its all you need). I've tried Purevia, but is not as nice tasting as Sun Crystals.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Interesting to know about Sun Crystals. I despise the taste of Stevia. I was so disappointed because I really wanted to like it, LOL
  • eapr
    eapr Posts: 14
    Thank you all so much. I have received some great advice:)..I love this website!!!!:heart:

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