Serious morbid Insanity curiosity!!!

My fitness level is very low (have been running 4 times a week since the start of May) but my partner has got Insanity and has been doing it for a couple of weeks and I would love to give it a go!

I am absolutely terrified though because I am aware that my boyfriends fitness levels are great - hes very naturally fit and slender - but he was nearly sick on his first try of Insanity, so I am sure to die!!!! :laugh:

Can anyone who has started from the bottom like I intend to give me some advice on how they coped, and how they are getting on with Insanity now they have got used to it!

I will be honest I am hoping to see it as a quick fix! - Please don't think I mean an easy fix!!!! but a quick one to get myself 'in shape' and the fittest I have been in years.......

Please hit me with all of your advice!!!

Thank you!!!! :flowerforyou:


  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member

    I am absolutely terrified though because I am aware that my boyfriends fitness levels are great - hes very naturally fit and slender - but he was nearly sick on his first try of Insanity, so I am sure to die!!!! :laugh:

    The first time I tried Insanity, I had a nosebleed :noway: but I still went back to it the next day, and the day after, and again and again until I completed the programme :laugh:

    Just go at your own pace. You don't need to catch up with the people on screen. I'm doing it again currently (recovery week now) and it's brilliant :drinker:
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Just do what you can do. Take breaks when you need them. I'm not gonna lie, it is HARD, but it's a video. You can do it over and over again until you can keep up. As you see progress on the Fit Test, it's going to motivate you.
  • wheelsjad
    wheelsjad Posts: 52 Member
    You should be dead tired after you means that you gave it everything you have and you are maximizing the benefit from the time that you just put in. Just go as hard as YOU can and you will be happy with the results. If it wasn't difficult then what would be the point...if I am going to spend 45min working out, I would rather be laying in a puddle of my own sweat gasping for air at the end as opposed not tired because the workout was "easy enough" for me to do. you get what you give....just my opinion
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member
    Ditto on doing it at your own pace. I can't do any push ups, so when they do push ups I see if I can manage one (whilst they're busy doing 10 or so!) and I only keep up with the pace of the people on the DVD when I know I am capable of doing that (ie: for the jogging parts). For the jumping, I keep it easy too because I don't want to damage my ankles or knees and I live in an apartment.

    Often it means I can manage only half (or often, an eighth) of what they're doing, but I'm still working as hard as I can and I have never sweated so much in a workout in my life!
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    be careful--there are a lot of bad reports and good reports. Is easy to overdo on that one
  • lurcstet
    lurcstet Posts: 77
    Do it, just know and recognise your limits! We all have them, doesnt mean you have failed if you dont perform like your boyfriend of the video. Just means your pushing your own personal limits, which as the programme continues will improve.
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    I started exactly the same as you - i was running 4 times a week and decided to do insantiy. To be honest for the first 2 weeks I was blowing out my *kitten* and my legs were complete agony!! I persevered thought and I am now on month 2. i havent lost any weight but my legs and arms have gotten some serious definition and I feel so much fitter!

    Go at your own pace, stop if you feel too uncomfortable, but remember, insanity is supposed to hurt! If you get a nosebleed, or see spots, STOP!!

    Good luck!
  • Ive done insanity, p90x, and am currently doing insanity the asylum (vol 1 and 2). All I can say is work at your own pace and dont be intimidated by the difficulty. Just push through and you will do fine. Good Luck!
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I will be honest I am hoping to see it as a quick fix! - Please don't think I mean an easy fix!!!! but a quick one to get myself 'in shape' and the fittest I have been in years.......

    There's no such thing as a quick fix when it comes to losing weight. It takes time to gain it and it will take time to lose it.

    I started Insanity right off the couch! It's hard, very hard, but if you have the dedication you can do it. Here's a few pointers/tips:

    1 - Throw away your scale. It's likely you will gain or lose no weight in the first month. Relax, it's water weight, not fat, not muscle.
    2 - If you aren't eating enough to fuel your body through these workouts you will fail after a few weeks. You will be exhausted to the point of making yourself sick.
    3 - Go at your own pace. If you try to keep up with the people on the video you will likely get discouraged, hurt yourself or just flat out give up.
    4 - DO NOT try an double up if you miss a day, it's too much. and DO NOT try to do the same video 2 days in a row. there's a reason the calendar is laid out the way it is. I tried doubling up in the second week because I missed a day and I ended up missing a week with joint pains.
    5 - You will only get out what you put in. If you go as hard as you are physically able then you will get great results. If you go at it half assed, you will get half assed results.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I've answered a lot of these threads and I love passing on my thoughts on Insanity because I really loved doing it.
    I was 207 when I started (I'm 5'7") but I didn't start from the bottom, I started losing weight at the beginning of this year using Just Dance 4 and watching my calorie intake, I weighed 240 at the beginning. I lost about 25lbs by March and decided to try 30 day shred again and this time I made it through, lost 11 lbs. I think that was an awesome pre-Insanity program because it got me used to working out 6 dyas a week, the weights helped with strength and the cardio helped get me a little fitter/more ready for Insanity. So like I said I started at 207 and ended up losing 19lbs and 2 pants sizes. I feel so much stronger and accomplished that I finished.
    My advice:
    Do not go into it thinking you can't, once you do day one make a promise to yourself that no matter what you will finish it. Don't let others give you excuses not to get your workout in for the day and don't skip more than 2 days in a row, it will just be harder to get back into it. Always think of how much you will regret not doing it vs how you feel when you finish.
    Do it barefoot if you have carpet. I felt much more agile barefoot than I did in shoes. I prefer being barefoot or in flip flops though, if you're a shoe person try it with shoes but I recommend trying it both ways just to see what works best for you.
    Watch your nutrition and take cues from your body. If you start feeling burnt out increase your carbs and protein. I used to drink chocolate almond milk after almost every workout along with a good dinner. If you eat junk it will make you feel sluggish even into the next day. I found this out the hard way because I just couldn't give up pizza every once in a while but it just made my workout the next day suck. Drink LOTS of water, I sweat like a pig during these workouts so a towel and big glass of water was needed handy at each workout.
    Make sure you get enough sleep. There was one week in there where I wasn't getting good enough sleep and I really felt it in my workouts.
    Join a group or find another MFPer who is doing it to hold you accountable and to motivate you to keep going.
    Good luck!! You can do this!!