Why am I not losing weight?

I am overweight. I was very active for a while and started to look thinner, but was not losing weight.

So I went back on MFP and have been tracking what I eat religiously.

I exercise most days and really push myself. I won't use most of my extra calories from exercising, and I underestimate the workouts anyways. I am very accurate with the portions I put it.

I have lost nothing.


When I look at my MFP diary it looks like every week I should have lost at least half a pound, usually more like between one pound to 1.5.

Anyone know what is going on?



  • refinedredbird
    refinedredbird Posts: 209 Member
    If you open your diary, it might be more easy to determine what might be happening :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    do you measure yourself or take pictures?
  • Druidor
    Druidor Posts: 29 Member
    Body could be going into starvation mode, if you are exercising and have a low calorie intake its going to try and preserve as much reserves as possible .
  • ashowers36
    ashowers36 Posts: 83 Member
    I recently found out that with MFP you need to eat back the calories you get from exercising. This is because MFP already created a calorie deficit for you in the Food portion of your fitness profile. If you create too much of a calorie deficit you put your body into starvation mode which makes it so your body maintains its current state so you don't starve to death like it thinks it is already. You want to make sure you Net calories for the day matches your food calories for the day or as close as you can get to it.

    For example:

    My food calories are 1200. If I exercise and use up 250 calories after having already eaten the 1200 calories for that day it means that I am 250 calories too low on my net calories. I need to eat back my exercise calories so that my net will equal 1200.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Body could be going into starvation mode

    OH SH1T....

    *leaves thread*
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    know your TDEE and your BMR. Never eat too low under your BMR. Figure this out at www.iifym.com.

    Stick to it and you will lose weight. I gurantee it.
  • bellaburch85
    How much water are you drinking?

    If i dont drink at least 8 cups per day (i drink more if working out) i seem to hang onto all the weight i want to lose that week.

    Just an idea! :)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You say you look thinner, and your ticker shows you down 25lbs, but you've "lost nothing"? What time frame are we talking here?

    Making your diary public would make it easier to offer advice. :smile:
  • peanut321
    peanut321 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks so much everyone!

    I've looked at my diary and no, there's nothing there. I should be losing weight!

    I try to make sure I have at least 1200 net, though I could try to do that more.

    I drink a lot of water, more than 8 cups.

    I also try to switch up how many calories I get (net or just from eating) every once in a while, because I remember reading/hearing that that can be good.

    I am really losing nothing and I really am not eating that much. I am also not starving myself - I rarely feel hungry.

    I eat reasonably healthy food always, but I've really cut any junk, and I wonder if maybe I cut out some good stuff as well. Should I up my calorie intake/net? I'm so nervous to do that!
  • stevesilk
    stevesilk Posts: 204 Member
    Without seeing your diary, it's very hard to determine. There are several reasons why you might experience the issues you mentioned. But without a detailed analysis, I would be making a guess in the dark.
  • stevesilk
    stevesilk Posts: 204 Member
    Looking at your diary is more than just seeing whether you have entered the information. Also, your current TDEE and BMR are important because your 1200 calorie intake may not be the right one for you. And "feeling hungry" isn't a good criteria, as people who are in starvation mode don;t feel hungry in an appropriate way. Your body can adjust to a situation where it's experiencing too few calories, so the hunger pangs go away due to restricted calorie intake. Additionally, you may have other metabolic issues going on.

    Meaningful specific information is critical if you are going to get good advice. Good luck in your quest.
  • aprilslusher
    aprilslusher Posts: 127 Member
    know your TDEE and your BMR. Never eat too low under your BMR. Figure this out at www.iifym.com.

    Stick to it and you will lose weight. I gurantee it.

    This!!! I switched from the MFP way to the TDEE method and I love it. To me it's just easier.
    It also sounds like you aren't eating enough.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I am really losing nothing and I really am not eating that much. I am also not starving myself - I rarely feel hungry.
    You may not be eating enough. If you've been eating a low amount for some time, your body adjusts, slows metabolism, and you might not feel hungry. Eat this way for too long and you're giving your body a reason to store fat rather than burn it. Probably not the goal you were reaching for. :tongue:

    Without seeing your diary, as well as knowing your height, current weight, age - it's really hard to offer much advice.
  • peanut321
    peanut321 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks! What should I be looking for? Is there a way for me to post my diary here? I really just do it for myself so some parts aren't accurate (as in, I will put in another food with the same calories as what I am actually eating in order to keep track on the go.)

    The MFP is set to 1540-1740 for me. I just meant that even if I am exercising a lot I still try to eat at least that much.

    I used the TDEE calculator and it seemed to be saying pretty much the same thing as MFP. Is there supposed to be a big difference?

    Is it possible that I need more protein? Or fat? The percents that MFP sets up have me coming up short on the fat intake. The amount missing is taken up by carbs, not evenly between protein and carbs (but part of it may be that I am not as careful on putting in all the nutrients, focusing more on the bottom line calories.)

    I am 5'8", almsot 30 years old, and a bit embarrassed to share my weight. (Around 190 pounds.)
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    To open diary go into setting click dairy and set for public.
  • peanut321
    peanut321 Posts: 20 Member
    You say you look thinner, and your ticker shows you down 25lbs, but you've "lost nothing"? What time frame are we talking here?

    Making your diary public would make it easier to offer advice. :smile:

    Missed this. I lost the 25 in spurts over the past year or two. Whenever I log in and exercise I lose. I started tracking again a little over a month ago and nothing is moving. Not change in measurements either.

    I also made my diary public, but go easy on me.

  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    know your TDEE and your BMR. Never eat too low under your BMR. Figure this out at www.iifym.com.

    Stick to it and you will lose weight. I gurantee it.


    MFP is designed for you to eat your exercise calories back, so you should be eating those. You are probably netting way below your BMR which isn't a good idea.

    Also, make sure you take measurements and photos instead of just relying on the scale. I recently threw out my scale because it kept saying I gained weight even though my measurements got smaller and my stomach got more defined. The scale actually a really poor measure of progress. If you're working out, your body could be retaining water from sore muscles, meaning you won't see a loss on the scale even though your body is changing.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Thanks! What should I be looking for? Is there a way for me to post my diary here? I really just do it for myself so some parts aren't accurate (as in, I will put in another food with the same calories as what I am actually eating in order to keep track on the go.)

    I'd guess this is your problem. Randomly adding numbers without really tracking what you're actually eating. I'd guess you don't weigh or measure your food either?
  • nickalow11
    nickalow11 Posts: 99 Member
    Your profile says you're a nursing mom...are you wanting to continue? Losing very gradually should be fine, but anything more than a pound a week will cause issues with nursing. Measure and weigh religiously! I thought I had a pretty good grip on portion sized, but when I got out my food scale, I found I was totally off. It's a pain at first, but you get used to it and then you have no doubt!
  • peanut321
    peanut321 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks everyone! I think I'm pretty good with portion sizes because I measure periodically to make sure I know how much I'm eating of things I eat a lot of.

    This was super useful. The BMR part especially. I also shouldn't over estimate calories for food and undestimate or not record exercise on purpose.
