Joining MFP after cancelling WW

After a couple of months pondering, I've decided to do the above. I've decided that WW isn't working for me. I've joined them, stopped using them just to start up again with WW and have not successfully gotten my weight to where it should be with WW. In other words, it's a waste of my money. WW does have a good program for some and yes, it does help people lose weight. However, I'm starting to view WW in a more negative light than I have before. They indirectly track calories, which I can do for free on MFP. I'm also starting to see them as too corporate for my liking in my dieting aspect of things. Example: They have their version of a fitbit called activelink. The charge for activelink is $40 plus an additional $5/month to take the data off of it and convert it into activity points. MFP on the other hand, I can link up my fitbit and MFP automatically adjusts my caloric intake for free. All I had to do was purchase the device. If WW isn't partnered with a certain company, WW won't bother to put the points values in their database for said company. WW's points values allows for there to be a barrier so that you don't have to necessarily focus on the nutritional content of food. MFP, on the other hand, you can't avoid looking at it. In other words, WW does not provide holding yourself accountable, but MFP does. This is just a short list on why I'm going with MFP over WW.


  • catmanor
    catmanor Posts: 85 Member
    Welcome!! I think you will enjoy MFP and will see results..

    I know of a lot of people who have become Disillusioned with WW recently..
  • Welcome to MFP. I have never tried anything like WW or whatnot, and am just new here, almost a week, but am already loving the community that this has to offer. Hope you hit all of your goals and have some fun doing it.

    PS: I love your screen name/profile name thing. Excellent book, as you can tell from my own :)
  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member

    I am a 2 times life-timer WW was a good plan for me back then....MFP is great for online support....random people giving high fives & atta boys!!....complete strangers all united for one common goal!!! makes you want to do good!!????????
    WW is still a good program....but I've come to know....that no "food is free"....they all have cals....
    It's the same....
    -cal deficit
    Just harder as you age??????????

    Add if you need support....good luck on your journey...????????
  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    Welcome to MFP and good luck on your MFP journey! Fitbit linking with MFP is the best, you will like it.
  • beautyonthebeach83
    beautyonthebeach83 Posts: 99 Member
    I became a WW lifetime member in 2004 after losing 90 lbs but I am not a big fan of the newest version. (I gained some of my weight back last year after 2 kids and a busy Etsy business so I'm here to lose around 17 lbs.) I recently cancelled my online WW subscription in favor of MFP. The data base has all of the foods I eat regularly which makes life easier for me and I love that I can see breakdowns of macro and micronutrients. Not to mention I am saving money. :) Anyway, welcome to MFP and good luck to you!
  • serendipity57
    serendipity57 Posts: 153 Member
    I am wary of any of the weight loss companies, it's just a multi million dollar business to them.I don't like the way they use so called celebrities to advertise, you will see far more inspiring stories on here!

    Welcome and I am sure you will find sustainable results on here????
  • MistbornVin
    MistbornVin Posts: 29 Member
    Thx for all the welcomes!
  • L_Stradford
    L_Stradford Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome! WW also didn't work for me. I cancelled as well and came over to MFP. Haven't looked back since!
  • HisStrengthCounselor
    HisStrengthCounselor Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome back, I too am an ex WW...really this site is AWESOME< and its FREE!!!!!! So much better than WW.
    BMWSLP Posts: 7 Member
    I did the same thing. Here on MFP, people hold you accountable. I have used some of the tips that I learned on WW, but am finding MFP more user friendly. Welcome!
  • Fishshtick
    Fishshtick Posts: 120 Member
    MFP works for a reason. A huge scientific study a couple of years back looked at thousands of people attempting weight loss and all the different components of their various approaches, from membership in weight loss programs, to exercise strategies, to support groups, to diet types (e.g. low carb, low fat etc.), to gender, to you name it. Do you know what the number one correlate of successful weight loss was? It was simply keeping a diet diary to track intake and learn nutrition, and that one element blew all other factors of the water when it came to pounds lost. MFP is simply the best diet diary out there.

    The WW business model, and that of pretty much all weight loss systems, is based on creating a barrier to knowledge and true diet tracking that is hinted at in the OP's post. The reason for this is simple, it is very profitable to keep you dependent on them. The less you really understand about nutrition and what is in your food the more likely you will be to stay with the company or fail to keep your weight off when you leave them, producing even more profitable return customers. From complicated point systems to pre-packaged foods, these companies rely on making you believe that nutrition and weight loss are too complicated for the lay person. If you actually go to a board certified nutritionist you don't get a point or color system or some sort of prepackaged get educated and started on building a food diary.
  • LN2004
    LN2004 Posts: 16 Member
    I like MFP much better than WW too. I really wanted it to work for me but I like tracking calories instead of points. I use bodymediafit fit so I like knowing the numbers and my daily deficit. I was also tired of paying for WW too. Good luck ;)
  • gfreerunner
    gfreerunner Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, and Welcome! I'm new here too, and did the same thing about cancelling a longterm WW membership and joining MFP instead. I feel much more in control with MRP, I was able to adjust my goals for carbs, protein, fat etc. which is something WW did not allow. I love the way it links with Runtastic and other aps and devices, plus it is free! I was diagnosed with celiac disease 2 years ago and WW plan did not have good options for me. This site is great, and I've already lost over 5 pounds! Good luck to you
  • redhotbeads
    redhotbeads Posts: 62 Member
    Yep, have to agree: WW wasn't for me. I lost ten lbs on it last year (the most I ever lost in many stops and starts) but gained it back. Not WW's fault - but - MFP is a lot more transparent. I like tracking my foods, their actual calories, and the level of support here. It's a lot more user-friendly. I linked my Jawbone to MFP and it's working out well. MFP is a much more positive experience!
  • hannamarie88
    hannamarie88 Posts: 231 Member
    Loveee MFP compared to WW -- I cancelled my subscription in May and have not looked back (I successfully lost 25 pounds on WW and gained it back). Love free and love the community here. I think having to do all the math with the points is what frustrated me the most. Calories are on most everything these days and easy to track. Welcome to MFP -- I think you will like it here :)
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I'm an ex WW member myself, I was on it last year, was able to lose 10lbs, then gained it back (plus a bit more) when I stopped using it. I think that using the points systems instead of reading the nutritional labels is what the problem was. Welcome to MFP I'm sure you will like it here, and you will get to your goal and have a good support system. Good luck.
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    I went to WW too for a few months, lost a few lbs, but was very frustrated with the points system. It is indirect and not very helpful when I started exercising heavily (long distance running).
    They promote light exercise, when I tried to track my fitness points, no one could help me. I feel I need to be eating healthy to support my exercise, and my low points allowance left me so so hungry!
    Besides- it is sooo expensive! I also tried the Livestrong App, but a friend brought me to MFP- I love it!!!!!!

  • angela9887
    angela9887 Posts: 26 Member
    I did the same thing. Weight watchers was a good starter tool. MFP is better because it's free, and the support system is awesome. You'll like it. Plus, i didn't like the way weight watchers calculated some food. Nuts shouldn't be 3 points for a 100 calorie pack....
  • WDA4655
    WDA4655 Posts: 91 Member

    Great post! Thanks for sharing this valued info.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    At the end of the day MFP and WW are all about holding yourself accountable.

    Ultimately, you make the decision what to put in your mouth, or to get up and go for a walk rather than sit on the couch.

    Whatever tools help you best to make better decisions, I'm all for.