Where are all the 19-22 year old's??



  • ArtuConer
    ArtuConer Posts: 28 Member
    Hey Im 35. Too old for this gathering??
  • Hey Everyone, I am 23 :) Add me if you like, I would love to hear other success stories :)
  • 77TiffanyIrene77
    77TiffanyIrene77 Posts: 16 Member
    New to the site; excited to lose weight. 21 years old. Anybody looking for support add me. : )
  • egnirysbust
    egnirysbust Posts: 27 Member
    I'm 21. Add me if you like... I have an open diary and would like some feedback/to steal ideas from other people's diaries.
  • I'm Jess! I'm 19 turning 20! I'm a college student who works part-time and is truly dedicated this time around and isn't failing or looking back! Please feel free to add me and read my blog!
  • YOOOOOOOOO I'm turning 20 in 10 days, so I guess I fit in here.

    I'm an engineering student at uni, combatting long hours in the library with losing weight. I do triathlons, I LOVE weight lifting, and right now I'm working with a personal trainer trying to get my body fat % down so I can be more competitive. Feel free to add me!
  • MarianneC93
    MarianneC93 Posts: 60 Member
    Just turned 20 :) I'm a university student and am going for a year abroad to Malta next year. I WILL be wearing a bikini next summer, but not at this weight. I've been losing weight since April and I know it's for the long haul. Add me for support and I'd love some support in my journey too :)
  • beastmodekittyx
    beastmodekittyx Posts: 97 Member
    Turning 19 in a couple days :)
  • babychris1
    babychris1 Posts: 159 Member
    22 year old from London :drinker:
  • SarahRose35
    SarahRose35 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm actually turning 21 tomorrow! :)
  • Katrina_vw91
    Katrina_vw91 Posts: 232 Member
    I'm 22! :D
  • Aliesha11
    Aliesha11 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Aliesha :) I'm 20 and I have a 1 yr old son and I'm ready to finally get this baby weight off. Need some friends on here.
  • missveeoh
    missveeoh Posts: 90 Member
    Hello. I'm 19. I'll turn 20 in late august :)
    You can message me anytime.
  • rawrxamberx
    rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
    I'm 22 !! Feel free to add me. Anyone is welcome(:
  • I don't about you but Im feelin 22 XD Still hate Taylor Swift but I thought that line was appropriate for the moment lol Yeah Im 22 years old. Add Me
  • 19 here! Will be 20 in August! Feel free to add! I really need the extra motivation, I feel like I've hit a plateau in motivation.
  • Hi my name is Melissa & I'm 19. I was also wondering were a the young people were. :)
  • Kareemelnaggar
    Kareemelnaggar Posts: 17 Member
    21 Years old! Feel free to add me! I keep an open diary!
  • 20. im here for bulking lol
    hit me up,
  • Lulufifi1994
    Lulufifi1994 Posts: 51 Member
    19 here - I'll probably add a lot of you in the next few days. :D Feel free to add me, I believe that my diary is open...not sure...let me know if it isn't.