Vacation Eating

I am going on Vacation for several days and want to stay on track, need some ideas for long drive eating!!


  • lisa77marie
    lisa77marie Posts: 46 Member
    pack a cooler of healthy snacks, like yogurt, salad, etc. If you do stop at fast food, get a grilled chicken sandwich with no mayo or a salad with reduced fat dressing. I went on vacation last week and ate out all the time and still lost 1 lb! You can do it!
  • SarahRose35
    SarahRose35 Posts: 127 Member
    I just recently spent over 40 hours in the car on a road trip there & back. It was awful & boring & sometimes snacking seemed like the only option :/
    I'm allergic to Gluten, but here are a few of the snacks I had:
    Cucumbers/Carrots & Greek Yogurt, Snap pea Crisps (yummmm), Blue Diamond Almond nut thins, FRUIT!, Rice Cakes, Luna Bar, pistachios, and a LOT of water :)
  • ShanStar78
    ShanStar78 Posts: 19 Member
    Great ideas!! Thanks so much..16 hours there and 16 hours back!! I dont want to gain!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I eat the same kinds of snacks on a roadie as I do day to day in the office. Fruit, nuts, trail mix, popcorn, etc. My diet (noun) doesn't change when I go on vacation. I eat the same stuff.
  • jhandur
    jhandur Posts: 19 Member
    I've found that baby carrots and unpeeled oranges are pretty stable in the car for a day or two on a road trip without a cooler. We also like to stop at Wendy's if we need fast food because they have decent salads. The half size Baja chili salad is 450 calories with dressing (Without its 350) but you feel full because its more of a meal.
  • jenbear1980
    i went to belgium last week (land of beer, steak and chips and other great food). Ate well in the daytime but had whatever I wanted in the evenings as we walked about 5 miles each day. Did not put on a single lb. May just have been lucky though!!!!
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    In a way, there's less temptation on a road trip. You're not faced with the entire contents of your refrigerator, your cabinets, etc. No microwave, no oven. All you can eat is what you brought with you- and you can store food in the trunk to keep it out of sight. The only temptation is all that stuff in the convenience stores. I'll get string cheese and diet soda or coffee if I'm between meals and just want something to tide me over. (Yeah if it's coffee I need a pit stop shortly thereafter!) We buy beef jerky before we leave home- it's expensive, and worse in the convenience stores. Lunch is a sandwich from Subway or things picked up at a grocery store, where there's a better variety and better prices. Remind yourself that whatever gooey treats are in front of you in these places that you just need to resist temptation till you get out of the store. Then it's gone! Bring other things to occupy yourself on the trip- knitting, Sudoku, books on DVD, a pile of stuff you've been meaning to read, etc.

    Finally, bring a swimsuit and workout clothes. DH and I do a trip this long every year at Christmas and I always get in a workout at the hotel before turning in for the night.
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    Bring fruits and popcorn. pack sandwiches. If at all possible rent a place that has a functioning kitchen.
  • ShanStar78
    ShanStar78 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for all the help!! Today I bought fiber bars for chocote craving and hummus with carrots and grapes! I am going to freeze them and take them!!
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    I just went on vacation and am the same weight that i was before I went for the first time ever! did loads of walking, and because we had a kitchen/fridge where we stayed, I made sure I went to the store and bought the things I normally eat for both breakfast and lunch (my family is notorious for big breakfasts and "vacation" lunches, so, I just cut that out completely... saved money, too by not buying so much extra food). my snacks were clementine oranges and bananas. staying focused on what I normally eat made the biggest difference for me. if you're going to be on the road a lot, a lot of convenience stores sell single servings of fruit, cheese, hard boiled eggs, yogurt, etc. I drank nothing but water throughout the day until cocktail hour, and then I kept the alcohol intake down. restaurants, well, that's the same approach as anytime: focus on healthier fare, or pick out one or two nights that you are going to let yourself indulge, and enjoy it.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    well when you're actually traveling, as in driving or flying, just eat like you normally would, bring a cooler with cut up veggies, maybe some cut up chicken or something, a salad dressing, a sandwich something. If you stop for fast food order just grilled chicken and put it on your own bread, or order a salad and bring your own dressing and toppings, have protein shakes and things that are sweet that will keep you from stopping for a candy bar.

    When you're actually on vacation you'll probably be eating out. So look at the menu before you go and decide. good options, have 2 starters so you don't go over on portions. Some of my go-to starters are any sort of like raw fish or like seared fish, or shrimp cocktail or crab meat, a veggie salad dressing on the side, or a non-cream based soup like a gazpacho or a minestrone kind of thing. If you don't want to do 2 starters, for the main course, stay away from red meats, chicken, turkey, fish, or pork are good, get veggie sides instead of potatos or something, get any sauce on the side and just use a little bit of it, stay easy on the booze, and if you want a dessert either splurge big one day, or a few times have something light like a sorbet or a chiffon pie (eat out the filling) get fro-yo. And most importantly just think about what you eat, and if you can log it as best as you can, it might be hard but try logging each individual ingredient.
    I eat out all the time and I don't gain weight.
  • lyndausvi
    lyndausvi Posts: 156 Member
    We just got back on Sunday from a road trip. I made up pre-weighted snacks like trail mix and popcorn. Then added some apples and a banana that would have gone bad anyway. I also packed bottles of water. On the way out we stopped one morning at a rest stop and they had store with greek yogurt and apples. So there are healthy options out there on the road. On the back we stopped at Mc Donald's where I had a Happy Meal.

    While at the destination I made sure I ate healthy at breakfast and tried to have a light calorie salad for 1 meal. Then I just watched me portions for the other meals. I came back the same weight.
  • ShanStar78
    ShanStar78 Posts: 19 Member
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    Great advice and have fun. I'm headed to NYC this week and being from there, know how good the bagels and pizza are, so I"m sure I'll blow my carbs into the red on my diary each day. It's only for three days and while I'll try to keep my goals in mind, I'm not going and not eating the food I can't find anything close to elsewhere. Hoping all the walking works.
    ERMOT Posts: 8 Member
    I "make" my own trail mix and pack it into individual snack bags. The recipe option lets me control the servings and calories myself, so I actually have a few different versions: some with raisins, some with dried cranberries, some with candy pieces, some pistachios, some cashews, and some that the kids like. And they all taste a lot better than the store bought stuff.