Headaches & lightheaded :(



    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Your diary doesn't point towards anything specific to me (but I am by no means an expert). I would try eating at maintenance for a couple of weeks and see how you feel. If you're worried book an appointment at your doctor's.

    At 5ft2 and 110lbs are you trying to lose weight? It may be that even a small deficit may make you feel this way because there should be very little weight you need to lose.
  • Spazgirl0228
    thanks, I'll try that. I had been eating at maintenance for a while and still did get headaches some, but maybe I should try a bit longer. I am not really trying to lose weight, but wouldn't mind losing 5 lbs or so. thanks for the advice :)
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Go get bloodwork done...

    how much do you eat calorie wise?

    I had severe vertigo (along with other wakco things) months ago.. and left the ER (cause I couldn't walk straight) with a DX of unknownb ecause with all my symptoms they coulnd' tassigne me a DX.. lots of theroies, but everything disproven by another symptom I had (where's DR house when I need him????)...

    I scoured every site.. i mean everything.. even Dr Oz.., had every test I could think of done.. nothing came up.. Only thing is I wasn't eating enough and what I was eating wasn't nuriousing my body and i didn't exercise.. Changed those two things change my life. I've never felt better..

    don't let it go, don't accept it.. something is going on.

    If you're on meds and have lost weight or changed eating habits, it might be as simple as that...

    Just go to a doctor.
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    Well I have those symptoms when I have not had enough salt in my diet for a while (esp dizzy spells and light-headedness). I've got low blood pressure as does my mother and we both get these symptoms when we have not had enough (rare for her she is a salt fiend lol). I also find heavy exercise and hot days (anything that makes me sweat) means I have to have more salt then I would normally have. I know everyone gives salt a bad rep in the fitness world but it is possible to not have enough. The very best of luck to you :smile:

    Im doctored ordered to consume extra salt, I have low blood pressure too :p When I was in labor and my blood pressure dropped my nurse flipped and said I had the blood pressure equivalent of someone dying :p Funny thing is I hate salt :laugh:
  • Galtha58
    Galtha58 Posts: 1 Member
    Stevia: Many different brands and combinations of Stevia. Many are mixed with Splenda or other ingredients that may not be good for you. Stay away from those. You can buy pure Stevia powder if you look around. Seems quite expensive for a small bottle. BUT, it comes with small spoon and you will be amazed at how little it takes to sweeten a glass of water or a cup of coffee. Too much and it will taste bitter. If you use the small spoon in the bottle the container of stevia will last a very LONG time. The ingredients on the bottle should say "Stevia" powder and nothing else.
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    Possible start with your gyno.. They can run the panels for iron and vitamin deficiencies too.. That's where I would start.
  • Spazgirl0228
    I do use the pure stevia so I don't really have to use as much of it at once time :)

    I just set my calories to maintenance so I am now at 1300 to 1630. So I need to net 1630 then everyday right?
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    low blood sugar
    high blood sugar
    not eating enough
    eating too much
    caffeine headache
    brain tumour
    heart attack

    Obviously, it's impossible to know without appropriate testing.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    In the last 3 - 4 weeks i've gone really light headed, warm and blacked out and found myself on the floor twice. I've been to the docs a few weeks before this occured and had all my bloods tested. All fine. I've been really stressed at work and am run down so think that's part of it. I'm gonna make another appointment with my docs and mention it though. You should too! Hope you're ok x
  • janessanessa
    janessanessa Posts: 299 Member
    Rather than making assumtions and trying this or that, you may want to consider a Drs. appt. so they can rule in or out other causes....don't wait to long and get more ill.
  • JessieNeutronGirlGenius
    I had that problem when I cut back on carbs....I mean I was eating fruits vegetables and some tuna and I felt so sick, just liek what you are talking about so make sure what you eat throughout the day is balanced!
  • pkdscript
    pkdscript Posts: 28 Member
    You might not be eating enough!
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    I have been experiencing some headache/lightheaded/dizziness lately as well. I think it may be either an inner ear problem or BP. I have had HBP for some time and am on meds. But with the recent weight loss I maybe don't need to be taking them anymore. I am going to go see my doctor soon to determine if I still need to take the meds.

    Check out what Mayo Clinic says about it:

    Dianna, get to your dr right away to get your bp checked. Most likey your weight loss has helped bring your bp down and now your meds are way too strong.

    Thanks bwright... I am making an appt. I do have a home cuff and monitor it regularly - it hasn't seemed too low to me, however I have yet to take it during a dizzy spell.
  • Spazgirl0228
    thank you all for your help and advice- I have a dr's appt set up for next week!
  • Spazgirl0228
    I have a drs apt for Thursday- I have still been feeling the same :(