Is it impossible to loose weight without the lap band?

I have read many different member's profiles and it seems a lot of you have had the the lap band surgery. I have 87 lbs to loose by October 1st 2011. Is that impossible to do without the lapband?


  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Of course it's not impossible. You'll just have to work hard. Work out - watch what you eat. You could definitely pull that off in a year.
  • ambercole
    I lost 120 lbs without the lapband and i did it in under a year. It did take alot of hard work and determination though. I went fron a size 18/20 and 250lbs to a size 5 and 130lbs. That was 2 years ago. I did gain 50lbs back but that was just from being lazy and inconsistent. I am working on that though. 9lbs down, 41lbs to go. You can do it.
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    There are many members here, who have achieved healthy, and significant weight loss without having surgery. You have to be disciplined and you have to be willing to commit to what you are doing, but it is entirely possible.

    Good luck,

  • candacepainter
    I have lost 100 lbs with out lap band! You just have to exercise and watch what you eat.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I lost 120 lbs without the lapband and i did it in under a year. It did take alot of hard work and determination though. I went fron a size 18/20 and 250lbs to a size 5 and 130lbs. That was 2 years ago. I did gain 50lbs back but that was just from being lazy and inconsistent. I am working on that though. 9lbs down, 41lbs to go. You can do it.

    You are AMAZING!
  • Sarandipity
    I have lost over 100 in a year and a half without surgery, just watching how much I eat, what I eat and exercise. You have to make the decision to do it and stick to it :flowerforyou:
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    My wife and I (Lildebbie) have lost a total of 130lbs combined without lapband, you just have to work at it, make heathly choices for food and exercise
  • kendra1976
    kendra1976 Posts: 90 Member
    I have a friend that has lost 165 pounds since January of last year all by diet and exercise. She looks amazing. Yes it can be done. Focus and you will succeed!
    JUSTFORME2010 Posts: 125 Member

    I use to think that a fat person could never be thin without surgery especially at 346 pounds like me. I have lost 32 pounds since May on here without a lot of exercise (which I am starting to walk now). It is possible absolutely. You can do it I promise. Get friends on here and keep up with the food and you will do great

  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Of course it's not impossible, silly, but I bet the doctor wouldn't want to let you in on that secret. I know 89# sounds like a giant number, but look at it this way. You have until Oct 1 of NEXT year to get it gone? That's not even a 2# a week average, and there will be weeks, especially when you are first starting and have more weight to lose, that you will drop way more than 2#.

    Start off with a healthy eating plan. Pick an eating style that sounds good (I myself prefer to stay clear of low-anything diets in favor of eating natural, healthy, unprocessed foods....the less refined the food is, the better it is for you, the less calories it has, and the more it fills you up), plan your attack based on that eating regimen, and after a couple of weeks, start out with an exercise routine. Set yourself a goal. Can you run? If not, maybe the C25K program will be good. It takes out of shape people from where they are to running 5k over the course of, I believe, 9 weeks. It's an interval program, which means you run, then walk, then run, then start out doing more walking of course, and by the end, you're running the whole time. Interval training burns calories most efficiently, and conditions your cardio vascular system to recover quickly from exertion. If running isn't your thing, think of something else. I hated running a long time ago because it hurt my legs. I preferred low/no impact sports because of this so I chose elliptical at the gym and road biking when not in the gym. I'm going to a Hot Yoga class twice this weekend. I've never done yoga in my life, lol, and now I'm going to do it, in a 105 degree room full of people who a) have been doing this for various lengths of time and b) are probably in much better shape than I am.

    So to recap:

    Pick an eating style that sounds like it'd be acceptable and plan your meals around it
    Find an exercise or sport you'd like to try and have at it.
    Stay here, log your meals, chat plenty...the support you'll receive online will blow you away and keep you motivated!

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • AmenoKaji
    AmenoKaji Posts: 41 Member
    Completely possible, I have lost to date 180lbs that are still gone. Problem with surgeries like that is its just a quick fix, a crutch to the problem so to speak. If you don't learn nutrition and learn how to eat for your health, ultimately, you will gain the weight back because your habits didn't change. Even if someone was to suddenly be 100lbs, if they kept eating horribly, its only a matter of time before they're bak to where they were at the begining because nothing changed.

    Depending on what you're doing and or eating and how consistent you are with it depends on what your weight loss would be like in a year's time. My largest weight loss over a 3 month period, during the use of Power 90, while falling off my eating and platuaeing from not knowing what to do netted me over 60lbs lost. Of course because of my size and inactivity, I lost alot of weight faster (17lbs in the first week alone) I use to be at 440lbs, check out the video in my sig :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    No surgery here. :smile:
    Try not to put a strict timeline on yourself though. Crazy unrealistic me expected to have lost 100-120 pounds by now when I first started. :noway:

    I never expected it to take 7 months to lose the most recent 20-25 pounds when it only took me 4-5 months to lose the first 55. But you know, for me it did. Now I know to expect it to take at least another year to lose 40-50 more pounds (and I actually expect it to take longer than that). I've settled in on being ecstatic about seeing my weight decrease while I live a comfortable healthy lifestyle. It's a good place to be. :smile:
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    No surgury here with 94 lbs gone.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    This site alone educated me to make better food choices and the weight just came off. Going to the gym alone didn't do it. Exercise is important, but what we eat is SO much more important in dropping the excess weight. You can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • Brooke200
    Thanks so much! Very motivational!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    It certainly isn't impossible. Many people on this site have lost a significant amount of weight just by being honest with their entries and working out.

    For only 80 pounds, I wouldn't recommend you doing surgery, alot of people have lost the weight just by eating right, it does take alot of discipline and hard work.

    You can do this.....Just stick it out and keep going strong

  • MMarcordes
    MMarcordes Posts: 58 Member
    Absolutely it can be done. I wish there was some secret trick, though, that motivates people. But it is just a simple formula - calories in, calories out. The more I work out, the more I can eat. But you have to remember to calculate the calories for EVERY bite that goes in your mouth. You can do it!! BTW - I'm 55 pounds down... 15 to go :)
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    I did it thru determination and work and logging and more work ( the key to success is to keep at it even when you faulter or get stuck) You can do it but remember it a day at a time and a pound at a time. and you have to make the changes so it fits you because if you enjoy what you are doing you will have great success if you hate what you are doing you are more likely to quit. :flowerforyou:
  • caribear
    caribear Posts: 7 Member
    I had gastric bypass 10 years ago and i have put 60 lbs back on. I know i know where did i go wrong but what i have learned is gastric bypass was to help me with a new start to healthy living. So that is why 10 years have gone by and now i am here to get my life back.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    YES! I have lost 43lbs so far and I know you can do it too! The lap band would not have worked for me anyhow because it doesn't change bad habits and I had a lot of those.

    The 4 components to my success so far are:
    1. Strength training
    2. Cardiovascular exercise
    3. Proper Nutrition
    4. Constant Coaching (which is why I love this site!)

    Good luck!