Joining MFP after cancelling WW



  • Senalj
    Senalj Posts: 11
    I just cancelled my WW subscription for the 2nd time. The first time I lost 25 pounds. I gained all of that back, plus some. This time I lost 16 pounds, but couldn't maintain it, so gained back 9 pounds. I like MFP, because I know how many calories I'm eating all the time. It's also nice to see the other numbers WW encourages us to ignore, such as sodium and sugar. WW is more one-size-fits-all, but that doesn't fit me. I don't like dairy; I never have. On WW, if I didn't get two servings of dairy a day, they made it sound like I would die. I also didn't like the way the person weighing me in passed judgement. I know they say they don't, but they always asked what I did differently if I had a gain. If I knew that, I wouldn't have gained! I honestly think it was all that "free" fruit I was eating. I also found WW very restrictive. I like to eat out, and it was hard to plan eating out on WW. If the restaurant wasn't in their book or on the app, there was no way of knowing what to put. If I guessed, I usually guessed incorrectly. If I looked up the nutritional information on the restaurant's website (if it was there), I'd have to figure out how many Points or PointsPlus the meal was. Who wants to pull out a phone at a meal, to figure out the Points or PointsPlus values before ordering? That was a lot of work.

    Personally, I'm glad I left WW. I think going to a nutritionist and tracking my eating and exercising with MFP, I'll be more successful than I was either time I was on WW. Plus, you can't beat free! :wink:
  • teganjessica
    teganjessica Posts: 20 Member
    I have made it as a lifetime member with ww altho I clashed with them on determining my goal weight . I got to where they told me to get to but couldnt maintain it and subsequently gained most of it back . I am here after downgrading my membership and have learnt a lot more on here from other people than on the ww site so am gonna cancel my membership altogether . Just my five cents.......Good luck on your journey
  • SynthStars
    SynthStars Posts: 14
    I have switched from WW to MFP today, glad I'm not the only one! x
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Another lifetime member of WW so it's free but I'm not wasting my time with them anymore. Been there done that for decades. This is free for me too and tons better support! They were always a let down. I've met just as many friends to walk with on here than I did there in all those years,
  • smrithiji
    smrithiji Posts: 2
    Hey m joining mfp again after a gap of 2 months. This time I have to stay on track. Have 4 months before my son's 1st bday and I have to lose weight. I uqve joined zumba 3 times a week for an hour. The remaining days I plan to gym, and also start the 30 day shred. Hope I do loose weight. Any encouragement will b much appreciated :)
  • catsnap213
    catsnap213 Posts: 33 Member
    I did WW and it worked at first, but then it just became aggrivating. I have had more results on MFP then I ever did in WW.
  • lozzymartmfp
    I was on Slimming world and lost 10lb but I realised that MFP could do the same thing - with no red or green days, but just sensible eating. It is all about knowledge and making the correct decisions - It's going to be a long road but I think I am more in control on here, provided I am honest and fill in my diary.
  • MistbornVin
    MistbornVin Posts: 29 Member
    I think I'm going to like MFP better than WW too. I like having my fitbit adjust my caloric intake for me and for free none the less! Which is way better than having WW calculate points values for me for $5/month. I also like seeing the pie chart to break down sugar, protein, and fat for me too.