Changing the way I eat.

I've realized that I seriously need to rethink and keep track of what I eat, if I'am ever going to get to the healthy me I want to be, and stay there. The problem I'am running into, though, is that somedays I feel absolutely starved. Generally on the days that I find myself doing good at keeping it under.

I wonder, is it just my body trying to adjust to my change in diet, exercise and such?

Like my body is trying to rewire it's needs as opposed to desires for food?

Any thoughts are welcome, thanks!



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    When you say "on the days that I find myself doing good at keeping it under", what does that mean. Keeping it under what? How many calories is your goal, and how many do you eat per day on average? What type of exercise do you do and how often and how long? Do you eat more when you exercise?

    Edit: Also, are you male or female, what is your height and how much do you have to lose?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Yup, more info needed, especially on the part about staying under and feeling starved. If you could make your diary public, it would be easier to offer advice.
  • paperangel87
    Under my calorie intake.
  • paperangel87
    I'm 5'5", I want to lose up to 40Ibs overtime, the right way. My calorie goal per day is 1,730. I generally eat anywhere from 1,500-1,730+ per day. I know that seems like a lot, but like I said, I'm trying to change the way I eat, so that I'm not overeating, which I used to do, un-intentionally. Meaning I wasn't aware of how many calories I was taking in when I did eat. I generally only eat 3-3 meals a day with a snack in-between either breakfast-lunch, or lunch-dinner.

    My problem is that I'm trying to change my habits and on days that I am under, I generally still feel hungry at the end of the day, like I didn't eat enough. Is it my body just adjusting to my change in intake? I don't feel the need to have to consume all my calories for a day, I'd rather not. But most days I still feel hungry, like I didn't take in enough.

  • phurst00
    phurst00 Posts: 100 Member
    Without knowing what types of food you're eating, I can tell you that foods that are more nutritionally dense are going to make you feel fuller longer - as of course will fiber. For instance, if I ate just a whole wheat english muffin with some natural peanut butter for breakfast, I'd feel pretty full for several hours. If I ate 3 slices of pizza or say a breakfast meal from McDonalds, I'd probably feel full for maybe a half hour if at all. Also, if you're in your first couple of weeks of eating healthier, or if you just changed your daily calorie intake, your body will need a bit of time to adjust. I felt hungry all the time my first two weeks of eating better (but not anymore!)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It sounds like you are eating enough calories, so I'd suggest looking at the source of those calories. Protein, fat and fiber are satiating. Try to include these in your meals to feel full longer. Also, make sure you stay well hydrated.
  • paperangel87
    Thanks for your feedback! I think I just need to wait it out, for my body to adjust. I'm learning to wait a bit before eating, so I know that it's not just (what I like to call) phantom hunger pains. I also am working on eating more full-filling foods throughout my day.
