feeling guilty dont want to get discouraged

Yesterday what I ate for dinner made me feel guilty. Even though I didnt go over my required calories. Is it ok to eat this kind of food? Should one eat only healthier foods to meet requirements or does it even matter as long as one doesn't go over recommended calories. I m having a very slow weight loss even though I feel im doing what im suppose to. I dont want to get discouraged. Please take a look at my diary for last three days. What am I doing wrong?


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I don't see anything wrong with your dinner last night, and in fact I'm having something similar myself this evening. I subscribe to an IIFYM approach (if it fits your macros). If it fits in your calories and macros for the day and you're eating a varied diet with plenty of veggies, then everything else will fall into place. You could have a bacon-wrapped cupcake as long as you make room for it in your day.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    One hamburger and fries, while staying under target, is nothing to feel bad about. Unless it makes you physically feel bad.

    Try to meet your protein objectives and track everything. Don't get down about eating food you like. Just eat in moderation and keep to targets and you'll get there.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I have felt the same way before, but don't feel guilty about it. You probably don't want to give up hamburgers for the rest of your life, so you shouldn't give them up during weight loss.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    There is no need to feel guilty (yes I looked at your diary). If you want you can have a peak at mine if it will set your mind at ease. I don't follow my macro's closely :tongue: , but as long as it fits in your calories you will lose weight. I personally can't help enjoying chocolate, pizza, or a piece of cake from time to time.:flowerforyou:
  • Don't feel guilty, Once a week, I eat whatever I want for dinner and don't think about the calories or fat or carbs - I do it because it makes me feel good and I think of it as a reward. For the other 6 days it is easier to practice restraint. Keep up the good work!
  • 220Dani
    220Dani Posts: 198 Member
    I saw a lot of sodium on there. I know for me that stalls my weight loss. Maybe watch that for a few days and see if it makes you feel better/drop weight? Other than that, it seems normal. You're doing a good job.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    it won't be sustainable in the long run if you deny yourself. portion control of food you love is key IMO.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You shouldn't feel guilty about food - we need food, it's necessary, and it's fuel for our bodies! Yes, some choices are better than others, but it does all come down to calories in/calories out.

    i eat burgers at LEAST once a week - they fit into my goals, and I love them. :bigsmile: You can continue to eat foods you love, just log everything, and remember that this is a learning process - changing habits takes time, and the beauty of logging is not only knowing how many calories you've consumed, but shows you where you did well, and where you can do better.

    My question for you is the nearly 1500 calorie burns you're logging - an hour and a half of cardio every day? :tongue: You could really cut back on that. And adding some form of resistance or strength training would be good for ya too.

    My diary is open - I eat burgers, pizza, desserts, drink wine, beer, mixed drinks - no guilt, not even when I go over sometimes. I'm still better than I was before I started, and I'm not putting the weight back on - I've developed healthy habits that I can stick to for life!
  • sexxy_dee
    sexxy_dee Posts: 42 Member
    When you look at all the calories I have to eat I feel bad eating that much at my size last time I weighed myself I weighed 335lbs(I got to get a new scale water got in it and it broke). Im doing a lot of exercising and then to come home and eat so much seems to defeat the purpose. Healthier foods have less calories. I dont want to eat potato chips candy just to have the calories. What should I be eating?
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    When you look at all the calories I have to eat I feel bad eating that much at my size last time I weighed myself I weighed 335lbs(I got to get a new scale water got in it and it broke). Im doing a lot of exercising and then to come home and eat so much seems to defeat the purpose. Healthier foods have less calories. I dont want to eat potato chips candy just to have the calories. What should I be eating?

    Why do you feel bad about eating? I mean really. Food = Fuel. Not eating enough can be just as bad as eating too much. Make sure you get enough Fat and Protein. Also, make sure your getting enough vitamins (I take a multi just to be on the safe side). Also definitely add resistance training to your workouts (might want to cut back on the cardio), so that you maintain your LBM. More LBM means more calories burned in a day.

    I posted this in another thread (btw I'm 5'4.5" and 185lbs (started at 260lbs):
    I'm going to steal Pearsquared's idea and just show the reports from the last 90 days.

    First graph is Total Calories consumed:

    Even scarier is my Net Calories graph: (total - exercise)

    And my weight loss (I weigh at random times):

    I use fitbit, so I know that my activity level setting is correct. :flowerforyou:
  • I agree with everyone else that your dinner was nothing to feel guilty about! It's a common food item for myself, too. You stayed within your calories for the day, which is what will lead to weight loss in the long run.

    That being said, I was in the habit of always ordering fries with my burger. I've stopped doing this because, honestly, I am not the biggest fan of french fries, and I've found I'll still be filled up and satisfied with just a burger. It was a nice feeling to discover that I could live without the automatic order of fries. Now I'll order fries perhaps once a month, if that, usually when I'm craving salt.

    However, it's just an example of how I trimmed my diet. Fries aren't inherently 'bad' food. It's all a process; give yourself time to discover what feels good for you and leaves you feeling satisfied.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    When you look at all the calories I have to eat I feel bad eating that much at my size last time I weighed myself I weighed 335lbs(I got to get a new scale water got in it and it broke). Im doing a lot of exercising and then to come home and eat so much seems to defeat the purpose. Healthier foods have less calories. I dont want to eat potato chips candy just to have the calories. What should I be eating?

    You should be eating whatever foods you love in moderate portions.

    Seriously, don't demonize the foods you like. If you want a burger then choose the best burger for your diet and make it fit. Have a craving for chips? Then choose those made with higher quality oil or fry some at home.

    If you're looking for calorie dense food alternatives: nuts, nut butters, olive oil, avocado, full fat dairy, cheese, Greek yogurt, granola, dark chocolate, etc. There are tons of healthy foods out there that have a lot of calories without filling you up.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    When you look at all the calories I have to eat I feel bad eating that much at my size last time I weighed myself I weighed 335lbs(I got to get a new scale water got in it and it broke). Im doing a lot of exercising and then to come home and eat so much seems to defeat the purpose. Healthier foods have less calories. I dont want to eat potato chips candy just to have the calories. What should I be eating?

    You should be eating your calorie goal...you should be getting around 1 gram of protein per Lb of LBM...you should be getting 20-30% of your diet minimally in fat and rounding out the rest with carbs. You should be eating your fruits and veg to get your vitamins and minerals..and again, you should be achieving our calorie goals.

    Your calorie goal is a deficit of calories from maintenance...exercising and eating afterwards doesn't defeat the purpose. You use diet for weight control and you exercise for fitness...you fitness needs fuel or your workouts ultimately are going to suck *kitten*. If I didn't eat I wouldn't be able to lift the way I lift...I wouldn't be able to run the way I run...I fuel those activities and thus kill my fitness and I lose weight.

    <<<Throwback Thursday pic....my big fat "good ol' days"
  • sexxy_dee
    sexxy_dee Posts: 42 Member
    I go to the gym 5-6 times a week and do this. I know it will cut down once school starts for my kids I wont have as much time.I use to do strengthening but I stopped because I thought cardio would be better for me initially. If I stopped walking the treadmill for an hour I will feel as if im regressing.when I first started I could only do 15 minutes so im proud of myself in that regards.
  • lkrause74
    lkrause74 Posts: 37 Member
    Yesterday what I ate for dinner made me feel guilty. Even though I didnt go over my required calories. Is it ok to eat this kind of food? Should one eat only healthier foods to meet requirements or does it even matter as long as one doesn't go over recommended calories. I m having a very slow weight loss even though I feel im doing what im suppose to. I dont want to get discouraged. Please take a look at my diary for last three days. What am I doing wrong?

    Don't feel guilty honey...just do some cardio or some other kind of workout and burn off the excess calories. :) I used to feel that way too but now if I eat something that has a lot of calories, I just have to keep in mind that I'll need to do a little extra exercise later to burn off the calories. Keep your head up. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Yesterday what I ate for dinner made me feel guilty. Even though I didnt go over my required calories. Is it ok to eat this kind of food? Should one eat only healthier foods to meet requirements or does it even matter as long as one doesn't go over recommended calories. I m having a very slow weight loss even though I feel im doing what im suppose to. I dont want to get discouraged. Please take a look at my diary for last three days. What am I doing wrong?

    Don't feel guilty honey...just do some cardio or some other kind of workout and burn off the excess calories. :) I used to feel that way too but now if I eat something that has a lot of calories, I just have to keep in mind that I'll need to do a little extra exercise later to burn off the calories. Keep your head up. :)

    Did you look at her diary? She doesn't have any excess calories to burn...there is no need for her to go do cardio...she did not go over her calorie goal....she was actually way under which isn't necessarily a good thing either.
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    never deprive yourself! this is what is all about. moderation and within your calories. the only thing i think may be hindering your weight loss is the amount of sodium you're consuming.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I dont want to eat potato chips candy just to have the calories. What should I be eating?
    Nuts, nut butters, avocados, eggs, cheese, use olive and coconut oils in cooking and dressings - these foods pack a lot of good cals in small portions, so you can bump up your calorie intake without eating junk or massive amounts of carrots. :tongue:
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I go to the gym 5-6 times a week and do this. I know it will cut down once school starts for my kids I wont have as much time.I use to do strengthening but I stopped because I thought cardio would be better for me initially. If I stopped walking the treadmill for an hour I will feel as if im regressing.when I first started I could only do 15 minutes so im proud of myself in that regards.

    One of the great things about the slow and steady method of weight loss is that we build healthy habits that last a lifetime. We learn how to move and eat to help us maintain our new weight once we've reached our goals. And one of the things that a lot of us have to learn is how to have a happy and healthy relationship with food and exercise. Food is fuel and it's okay to eat things that make you happy or that you genuinely enjoy. Exercise is good for your body, mind, and spirit. But you shouldn't let yourself feel chained to a treadmill. If you genuinely enjoy it, that's great! But take breaks when you need them and don't be afraid to change things up.

    According to a post you made elsewhere, you've lost 30 pounds since April? If that's accurate, you're making great progress! Congratulations!
  • cassienut
    cassienut Posts: 7 Member
    I eat everything. Sometimes healthy, sometimes not. If I have a few bad days, I make up for it by having a couple good days. Don't let one day get you down. Don't go by daily calories, I do weekly. Just keep it up and results will show. Slow process.