How do I stop feeling hungry all the time?

nsquires3 Posts: 10 Member
Hi , I'm hungry all the time , before i eat, after I eat, while i'm eating. All I do is think about food and when I try to lose wight I think about it even more !! I really want to commit to losing weight I really need to do it this time! I have tried so many times but i never make it last not the weight loss the trying part. I'm hungry right now , I kid you not! How do I stop feeling hungry all the time, if i eat anything i will go over my target (not that I hit it everyday anyway. Help , I need advice and I need to be held accountable ! Anyone want to be my Jimminy Cricket and talk me out of eating something at any given moment? I'll try not to eat you too!


  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    What are your goals? Stats? Have you been logging your food and exercise accurately? If so, open up your diary so we can look and make suggestions.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    1. Make sure you're actually eating enough for your activity level (this is key and the most commonly ignored)
    2. Eat plenty of nutritious foods full of protein, fat, & fiber (these help us stay full and feel satisfied)
    3. Drink plenty of fluids
    4. Wait for your body to adjust
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    1. Make sure you're actually eating enough for your activity level (this is key and the most commonly ignored)
    2. Eat plenty of nutritious foods full of protein, fat, & fiber (these help us stay full and feel satisfied)
    3. Drink plenty of fluids
    4. Wait for your body to adjust


    Especially I'd like to reiterate #1. Too many people, and women in particular go all out and think they have to literally starve themselves. Net to the goal MFP gives you...assuming you set something realistic and have a reasonable net goal. That goal is a weight loss calorie's not don't strive to be under is in fact a GOAL...something for you to achieve.
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    Your diary is closed to the public without being able to see what you are eating there is no way anyone can give you reliable advise. They can only guess. Here is my guess you are eating sugar. Sugar stimulates the appetite the more you eat the more you want. You have to break the cycle.
  • ledonster
    ledonster Posts: 8 Member
    drink more water
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    1. Make sure you're actually eating enough for your activity level (this is key and the most commonly ignored)
    2. Eat plenty of nutritious foods full of protein, fat, & fiber (these help us stay full and feel satisfied)
    3. Drink plenty of fluids
    4. Wait for your body to adjust

    This...give your body time to adjust too, it's going to take a few minutes for your body to realize it's NOT starving. Give yourself a couple of go 'rounds with PMS too, because let me tell you, the ball game changes when you're hormonal. Be patient, you'll figure it out.
  • nsquires3
    nsquires3 Posts: 10 Member
    Ok I opened my diary , please be gentle ! My goals are to not feel hungry all the time , and not to think about food or eating all the time. I would like to lose 1 to 1.5 lbs a week, with minimal exercise (because of my pain level) I say that because as soon as I walk or bike or whatever I will be in pain and then say FORGET THIS - its not worth it! I intend to add some yoga and swimming 2 to 3 times a week just to start. I have not hit my target cal intake yet , but I am getting closer and when I estimate I always over estimate, I drink water and diet Iced tea or brewed iced tea with a tsp of reg sugar pretty much all day! SOOOOO I am open to suggestions !
  • nsquires3
    nsquires3 Posts: 10 Member
    I am queued in to my cycle - I get cravings like I did when I was pregnant, I usually will let it fly on those days , but that is usually when I fall of the wagon so to speak! This month I'll be ready for it !!!
  • wildrose957498
    wildrose957498 Posts: 24 Member
    OH trust I'm this way all the time, maybe we could help each other. My biggest problem was a medicine I was on, now my doctor has changed that, but still here I am thinking what do I eat next!! It's so sad really, I'm 38 and my health might be that of a 60+ year old. I have read my comments on here, but no one seemed to comment so I gave up once again. Have you had any luck??
  • nsquires3
    nsquires3 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi , you sound just like me.... I'll try to friend you on this site , I've been using this site to track calories for a while or at least a week here and a week there, but this time as they say I am all in. Man this is going to be hard giving up the excuses I give my self! I hope we get some great advice here and it works ! from Nicole
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I am always hungry. And I do not starve myself. I eat lots, I have to eat lots to fuel my workouts and busy job. But I know how you feel. I just had a big boneless, skinless chicken breast and mashed potatoes for supper, and I am hungry already. Water does not get rid of my appetite. I drink about 2 liters of it on average each day. I am on meds that increase my metabolism, so I don't know if that's part of it, but I love eating and I think about it all the time. I don't have much to lose, but its still annoying.

    Try fiber, protein, water, the usuals. I tried eating several times throughout the day, and I find it makes me hungrier. Ive recently tried eating 3 larger meals, which a couple snacks here and there, and I am satisfied a bit better.

    I don't know what else to tell you. It sucks!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Hmmmm... your calories and protein look fine. But your sodiums is over often. watch your sodium, lower your intake. drink more water.

    pre-plan your meals the night before- it's a little less to think about the next day between meals.
  • Siennacita
    Siennacita Posts: 67 Member
    There's really good advice on here about eating enough calories each day.
    A few other tips that help me a bit...
    1) make sure you eat really slowly - I eat part of my lunch, then put the rest back in the fridge and take it out to finish about 45 minutes later.
    2) Make sure you have snacks - yogurt, fruit, lowfat cottage cheese, celery with a little peanut butter are all good options.
    3) Hot tea (no sugar) seems to help squelch my hunger. I've read that any hot liquid can help, but coffee doesn't work for me personally.

    Hang in there!
  • Once you get the hang of cooking healthy, low calorie foods, you'll be surprised as to how much you can actually eat. I'm exactly like you, I love food and think about it often. Now that I've gotten good at it, I can figure out big portions of really yummy food and sometimes wonder how in the world I'm going to finish all that. Something that helped when I was starting out was to have two tablespoons of peanutbutter on a slice of whole wheat low calorie bread, it'd kill my hunger instantly. I'd do this a little bit after dinner so I wouldn't go to bed thinking about food.
  • sharpdagger
    sharpdagger Posts: 91 Member
    Consider trying garcinia cambogia. (not net) sells 3 bottles for $30. It's supposed to do a bunch of good stuff. I'm not sure if it does do all that stuff but it does curb my appetite. Not for you if you are a diabetic on insulin or a drug that drops your glucose below normal ...since it is supposed to improve insulin sensitivity.

    Each person is different so I'm not sure if it will work for you but it's worth a try.
    You should also load up on low calorie veggies, get enough protein, drink enough water, and eat before you are super hungry. You may also need to eat a veggie 20 min or so before your meal so you stomach has time to send the signal you are full.
  • nsquires3
    nsquires3 Posts: 10 Member
    I pre plan my meals for a week , I am feeding 2 kids and a husband that loses so much weight at work in the summer he has to eat EXTRA calories everyday, I shop once a week all dinners are planned for the week! Lunch is usually my down fall I think , I like sitting down with a bag a chips after cleaning the house or shopping or whatever and eating while I watch TV .. Note to self I gotta stop that ! I ate dinner at 6 pm , its 8:30 and now I'm hungry I want to eat something, so now I'm getting cranky , gonna go drink a glass of water , maybe that will help ??
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    Hi , I'm hungry all the time , before i eat, after I eat, while i'm eating. All I do is think about food and when I try to lose wight I think about it even more !! I really want to commit to losing weight I really need to do it this time! I have tried so many times but i never make it last not the weight loss the trying part. I'm hungry right now , I kid you not! How do I stop feeling hungry all the time, if i eat anything i will go over my target (not that I hit it everyday anyway. Help , I need advice and I need to be held accountable ! Anyone want to be my Jimminy Cricket and talk me out of eating something at any given moment? I'll try not to eat you too!

    I just took a quick look at your diary and notice not much veggies & salad. I find that helps fill me up. In fact I just had a 'snack' of a big salad because I'm feeling kinda hungry after dinner. That was around 75 calories (because I use low cal dressing, I like the one's by Bolthouse Farms, but I want to start making my own to try to lower my sodium).

    Good luck!
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I pre plan my meals for a week , I am feeding 2 kids and a husband that loses so much weight at work in the summer he has to eat EXTRA calories everyday, I shop once a week all dinners are planned for the week! Lunch is usually my down fall I think , I like sitting down with a bag a chips after cleaning the house or shopping or whatever and eating while I watch TV .. Note to self I gotta stop that ! I ate dinner at 6 pm , its 8:30 and now I'm hungry I want to eat something, so now I'm getting cranky , gonna go drink a glass of water , maybe that will help ??

    As I just wrote, how about a big after-dinner salad? Or maybe buy some low cal desserts ~ I've been lovin' the one's by SkinnyCow, OMG soo good for 100 calories!
  • nsquires3
    nsquires3 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks all you have been awesome , today was my first REAL REAL DAY ! and yes I am hungry right now , so I am gonna go drink some water. great advice about eating slow , I am so used to being in a hurry , I don't think I even breath while I eat ! and putting half my lunch back int he fridge - I am so going to try that !! Thanks again ! I have to go pick my some up from work, guess where he works , that's right , Dunkin Donuts ! See It's coming at me from all angles !! Have a good night , I'll be back int he AM !!!
  • Sally4020
    Sally4020 Posts: 3
    Increase your lean protein intake for a few days.Even if you have 100 grams or more of protein, this will help get your body into weight loss mode and get the carbs out of your body. Protein helps satisfy hunger. The bad carbs will only make you hungry. If you can't have a piece of bread without out wanting more, give it up. Sugar and pasta too. It is the worst and will leave you wanting more. I know how hard it is. I fall off the wagon and just have to have the pasta, ice cream, pizza. Then it takes a couple of days to get back to where it was. I don't like taking the time to always make a salad, so here is what I do, and you can avoid the fatty dressing this way. I take a can of no-salt canned tomatoes, fresh spinach or any kind of salad greens, cucumber, or green pepper, or any raw vegetable you want to add. Bend it all in a blender, keep it in the fridge, and force myself to drink half of all of it throughout the day. You will feel better. Full of good vitamins and minerals. The fiber helps fill you and these are the good carbs. Force yourself to do this and set a time in the future when you will allow yourself to have a slice of pizza or toast or a brownie, if you have to, but best to never have any of that stuff.