Is it possible I will never have a flat stomach



  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I used to be apple-shaped. Carried all of my weight above my hips. My profile pic was taken last week, 3.5 years after I first started losing weight. The fat comes off on its own terms. It may come off the top first, the bottom, or somewhere in the middle. But if you keep working, it is absolutely possible to get the shape you want.
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    I told my daughter 2 years ago that I was too old to have abs. She saw me recently and said dad you have abs.
    It was doing body pump and 1000s of push ups a week.
  • Teardrop81
    Teardrop81 Posts: 132 Member
    I used to be apple-shaped. Carried all of my weight above my hips. My profile pic was taken last week, 3.5 years after I first started losing weight. The fat comes off on its own terms. It may come off the top first, the bottom, or somewhere in the middle. But if you keep working, it is absolute possible to get the shape you want.

    I second this.

    I also wasn't buying into the whole "clean eating" thing until I tried it. When I lost 2.5 lbs and another inch off my waist in 1 week of trying it, I kinda went ----> :happy:
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    I told my daughter 2 years ago that I was too old to have abs. She saw me recently and said dad you have abs.
    It was doing body pump and 1000s of push ups a week.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    These posts get too long I'm not gonna go on too long. True I didn't give a full list of references, I don't feel that necessary, if you want to know why I think the way I think you can ask me about it instead of pointing out I don't provide sources. You give no sources also about the "jury" who judges about the effects of IF. Nor about being healthy while still eating ice cream everyday. So if you wanna point it out by me, why do the same. Just cause a person feels healthy does not mean they are. The protein issue is not a small issue, it is an important nutritien, just not in the amount today's sporters eat them. About context, I'm not trying to blog here or put complete articles to explain stuff or put my posts full with links. As I said to you and the other guy, I'm always open for questions and I regret that you and the other guy take such a somewhat hostile approach instead of openly and nicely talking.

    I like peer reviewed studies myself, or at least articles from reputable, knowledgeable and science based people in the field of nutrition.

    My response was not hostile. It is called discussing and asking for someone to support what they say, simple as that.

    The question was 'can I get a flat stomach'. The answer is not "you have to eat clean' Also, as long as it is part of a balanced diet where you hit your micro and macronutrients (and fiber), 'treats' are not harmful to health, baring medical conditions.

    Edited to take out infini-quotes.
  • Sswhite1983
    Sswhite1983 Posts: 8 Member
    I have a Pear shape and Hate it. All my extra weight is in my tummy and hips!. I have a narrow waist and then bam huge *kitten* hips. I was doing the Insanity dvd's in jan-feb and noticed a decrease in my belly fat and hip fat but I slacked off on the videos and have just been using my elliptical some days. Haven't noticed any loss yet. I'm starting Insanity back up Monday (once I'm over this flu bug)! I thought my hormones might be outta wack so I had them checked and all of them are within the normal range. I do have to young kids so stress might be a factor for me. I'm trying hard to log my foods everyday even when I'm over.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    It is very hard and to be honest it might not be worth it. Some people have to work so hard to get there, and it's nearly impossible to maintain. Especially women.

    This is quite possibly some of the worst advice I've ever read on these forums lol
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I am apple shaped. One of the things I hate the most about my body is my tubby stomach and love handles. Generally when I try to lose weight I lose weight from everywhere; arms, legs, neck but In comparison I lose such little weight from my stomach it looks three times as large. Then I get frustrated. I read somewhere that apple body types will not ever be able to achieve a flat tight tummy but should settle for making it not as fat I guess. Is this true? I will have to adjust my goals accordingly (after being very disappointed for a while, I guess)

    Genetics plays a role ..... what you eat cannot change genetics. All you can do is lose the weight & tighten everything up the best way you can.

    I'm pear shaped ..... I will always be pear shaped. My goals are health related (now) ..... lower body fat and stronger (more fit) than before .... both are very positive things.
  • krystlestar00
    krystlestar00 Posts: 36 Member
    I think diet is very important such as lean meats, fruits, veggies and healthy whole grains, oatmeal, brown rice etc. cardio and strength training is important too. i'm pear shaped but have excess stomach fat/skin from 2 pregnancies in two years. my younger son is 21 months old and i'm still struggling to lose weight. in my early twenties, (im now 30) i was able to exercise and diet down to 135-140 (now im 215 gained too much during my 2 pregnancies) and was able to have nice looking abs. my goal is to be able to fit into pre-pregnancy clothes size of 11/12. i worked with a personal trainer for 6 months and while i got stronger and was lifting and doing more. i didn't really lose much weight which i know is because of the still crappy diet i ate. while its possible to stay in a certain calorie range eating fast food and junk food, doing that won't help to flatten a stomach and contribute to fat loss.
  • Rilzy
    Rilzy Posts: 59 Member
    I wish I could do Insanity but it is too high impact for my joints. It has taken a while for me to accept my limitations regarding high impact exercises. I use the elliptical primarily and I find that my consistency has improved a lot.
  • Rilzy
    Rilzy Posts: 59 Member
    Obviously not, stop deluding yourself. Looks like you're trying to excuse failure with psuedo science.

    I am not trying to excuse anything nor am I 'deluding' myself. Previous to stumbling across those articles which stated that my body shape made my goal impossible I always assumed that if I continued losing weight eventually I would have a flat stomach. That alarmed and disappointed me hence the posting of the question. Thankfully, the majority of the posters have showed me that my original belief was correct and as such my goal is not out of reach.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I wish I could do Insanity but it is too high impact for my joints. It has taken a while for me to accept my limitations regarding high impact exercises. I use the elliptical primarily and I find that my consistency has improved a lot.

    I would highly recommend including some resistance training - even if it is something less intensive.
  • Rilzy
    Rilzy Posts: 59 Member
    Weight training is a part of my plan. This time around I decided to start off with two weeks or Cardio only and then into the weights.
  • For me, my belly is the last place I lose. But when I get to a certain weight. Bam! It is flat! Stay with it. You can do it. I am 5'1" and around 144 and my belly is still there. Not just a little pooch. I have a belly. When I weigh about 135, it is pretty flat. I am sure when I get to 125 it will be just where I want to be. You CAN do this! :flowerforyou:

    I'm also 5'1" but at 114 lbs I'm still a fair way off a flat stomach, presumably if someone my height can have a flat stomach at 135 and killer abs at 125 this is because I am carrying fat where others might be carrying muscle? Or is this just a body shape thing, I'm fairly new to this and want to get a better understanding :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    For me, my belly is the last place I lose. But when I get to a certain weight. Bam! It is flat! Stay with it. You can do it. I am 5'1" and around 144 and my belly is still there. Not just a little pooch. I have a belly. When I weigh about 135, it is pretty flat. I am sure when I get to 125 it will be just where I want to be. You CAN do this! :flowerforyou:

    I'm also 5'1" but at 114 lbs I'm still a fair way off a flat stomach, presumably if someone my height can have a flat stomach at 135 and killer abs at 125 this is because I am carrying fat where others might be carrying muscle? Or is this just a body shape thing, I'm fairly new to this and want to get a better understanding :)

    It is one or both of the two.

    People carry their weight differently and also how much muscle you have (and your frame) will determine how heavy you are. Two people can be the same height, weigh exactly the same, but one will have a lower body fat than the other.
  • krystlestar00
    krystlestar00 Posts: 36 Member
    Rilzy, look into kettlebell training. my personal trainer started incorporating kettlebell training into our sessions and i think that is what helped to soften my abdomen and lose some fat there. it is both cardio and strength training in one. but you have to find a certified instructor to teach you proper techniques otherwise you could end up injuring yourself.
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
  • I am an apple shaped too. It's really not so bad. Apples generally have great breasts, statuesque shoulders and lean, defined legs. I've tried to explain to my boyfriend when I complain about my stomach and he tells me to do more crunches that 10000 crunches won't make my stomach go Away. Even at my lowest weights, my stomach has never been flat. Is just a genetic curse. Plenty of very attractive celebrities are apples as well (Kate Upton, Lindsay Lohan etc) but they have flat stomachs. Why? Plastic surgery. I've just decided instead of lamenting how my chubby gut and flat *kitten* looks in a bathing suit and believing running 5 miles a day will one day magically change it, I'm just going to go get a Brazillian butt lift. This procedure is especially good for apples because they take te fat from your mid section to fill out your butt and make it rounder. It's not for everyone, but te truth is there's only so much you can do about genetics. I'm very happy with my appearance everywhere else and I'm great shape (run races, was on college Crew). It's frustrating when people say "oh just work out more." Nope. Not always the answer.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    I am an apple shaped too. It's really not so bad. Apples generally have great breasts, statuesque shoulders and lean, defined legs. I've tried to explain to my boyfriend when I complain about my stomach and he tells me to do more crunches that 10000 crunches won't make my stomach go Away. Even at my lowest weights, my stomach has never been flat. Is just a genetic curse. Plenty of very attractive celebrities are apples as well (Kate Upton, Lindsay Lohan etc) but they have flat stomachs. Why? Plastic surgery. I've just decided instead of lamenting how my chubby gut and flat *kitten* looks in a bathing suit and believing running 5 miles a day will one day magically change it, I'm just going to go get a Brazillian butt lift. This procedure is especially good for apples because they take te fat from your mid section to fill out your butt and make it rounder. It's not for everyone, but te truth is there's only so much you can do about genetics. I'm very happy with my appearance everywhere else and I'm great shape (run races, was on college Crew). It's frustrating when people say "oh just work out more." Nope. Not always the answer.

    Apples can have flat stomachs. The question comes down to how much are you willing to work for it. It's about alow body fat % (16-20%) and good body composition. I am working with someone that is 14.1% body fat and she doesn't have a six pack. Her issue, she doesn't have enough mass to give her that look. It requires her to add mas to get there. This is actually a very common issue with those underweight. So body composition + low body fat % = abs.