really depressed (non weightloss related)

ok so im just writing this because I need to vent idc if anyone reads it but for the past 10 years I been having to deal with my dad being an alcoholic he is not abusive towards anyone but when he's drunk he just isn't him anymore if you know what I mean. it seems like all he does is go to work and come home and drink an 18 pack a day I know he cares about me and my family but it seems like all he wants to do is drink we never have any real family time anymore all he does is work and drink yah I know hes old enough to make his own decisions I don't want to make decisions for him its just hard to deal with I cant even have a regular convo with him because he is always drunk I tried talking to him about it many times n he always says he knows he has to stop but a day later hes back at it. it seems like my mom is just so unhappy cuz its like she doesn't have a husband he usally has drank 8-9 beers by the time she gets home so all she sees him is drunk. idk if this has to do with me always feeling depressed or not but im so worried about him he isn't healthy already had 2 major surgerys on his stomach. not related to drinking but hes not healthy Im always down because everyday after work I go to gym then I have to come home n what do I see? him drinkin beer after beer after beer like I said I knw he cares for me n my mom but it seems like all he wants is drink beer and play war commander on facebook and if you try to talk to him while hes doing that he gets mad at you for distracting him I just need to find a way to cope I do by goin to gym but lets be realistic I cant be in the gym 24/7 well if you read this thanx I just had to get this off of my chest


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Have you considered Al-Anon, a group for family members of alcoholics? It can really help to talk with others going through the same situation. My dad was an alcoholic for years, and didn't quit until he was forced to due to an extended stay at the hospital as a result of cancer. It's hard to watch someone destroy themselves, but you have to understand that you cannot fix him. That is a decision he is going to have to make for himself at some point. Seriously think about finding a support group. It's been a big help for a lot of people I know.
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    Have you considered Al-Anon, a group for family members of alcoholics? It can really help to talk with others going through the same situation. My dad was an alcoholic for years, and didn't quit until he was forced to due to an extended stay at the hospital as a result of cancer. It's hard to watch someone destroy themselves, but you have to understand that you cannot fix him. That is a decision he is going to have to make for himself at some point. Seriously think about finding a support group. It's been a big help for a lot of people I know.
    Good advice.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Thats a hard pill to swallow when someone you love has an addiction. Nothing you say or do will make him change. I'm not sure if you live at home yet but if you do, maybe its time to get your own place? Distance yourself from him.
  • lisa77marie
    lisa77marie Posts: 46 Member
    Definitely go to Alanon. If you're young, go to Alateen. You will make tons of friends and get lots of support. I'm a recovering alcoholic with 9 years sobriety and my closest and best friends came from AA. They understand me because they've been there too. I promise, you will love the program. It seriously changes your life.