starting over...once again

Looking for support. Starting over again after gaining 50 if 89lbs that I had lost.


  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    each morning is a new chance to start over!!! :smile:
    friend me if you like.. ive been on mfp a year now and log in every day.. diary most days.. try to be suportive to friends as much as possible! lost 41 pounds first 4 mo.. maintained 8 mo and gained a few lbs back that imma loose!
    and am about 25#'s from my gw
  • dmspenc
    dmspenc Posts: 38 Member
    I just started in June. We all need support.
  • FindTime2
    FindTime2 Posts: 1
    Good for you for starting again before you gained more than you lost. You can do it. I've been there...many times. No more yo-yo dieting for me or you. I am down 16 pounds since May 6 just using this site as my guide!
    I wish you the best in your journey and know you will reach and maintain your goal!:smile:
    I've got about 12 more lbs. to go...the maintenance is the hardest...we will do that too...we're worth it!
  • lsuz
    lsuz Posts: 74
    Ah deja vu! I know it well. Almost 20 years ago I lost 100 lb. and vowed never to be overweight again. I rested at 115 and thought, I did it, never, never again. Well, complacency and an inability to deal with issues that caused weight gain in the first place slowly brought me back to unhealthy habits and the weight crept back. Now, again, I'm dealing with, truly dealing with those sabotaging habits and issues and replacing them day by day with better life choices. I've got 75 to lose. Well, that's my goal.

    I totally hear you and feel the weight of having to deal with the weight again. Here's the thing. Sometimes you just need a second chance to get it right. Really right. Learn from the past. Know that it is possible for you to do it. And do it -- day by day. Friend me if you would like more support. I'm super new to MFP and you would be my second pal. My sister was my first. :)