toning shoes...gimmick or not?

So I love new balance shoes and today I saw an ad for true balance by new balance. They appear to be similar to the reebok easy tones but look more like a regular shoe. Has anyone tried this specific shoe (or any toning shoe for that matter) and do you notice a difference from wearing them. I'm interested, but already own 2 semi new pairs of new balance running and walking shoes so the $89 might be a waste. Any input is appreciated!


  • KPaden1221
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I LOVE my easytones! They are so comfy!! I want the run tones now so when I go for walks, I'll be able to run or even chase my two year around the park.

    They do work - I know i feel it when I walk but where I slacked off is that I didn't do much exercise to show off the toning =) Once flip flop season came around I did wear them less. Basically I had used them for when I was doing housework or going shopping.
  • Mellie13
    On Dr. Oz they had someone on the show that said gimmick! It's funny because Dr. Oz said he would wear them in the OR! Even he was fooled!
  • jennylynn84
    I have read that podiatrists warn against actually working out in them.

    For years apparently, podiatrists have prescribed something similar to people with back pain. HOWEVER, because it changes your balance and makes you a little more unsteady, doing any workouts in them (obviously other than walking) could result in injury much easier than regular shoes.

    My own personal opinion of them is that I'm sure they change the way you walk, therefore causing your muscles to work differently. But like anything else that doesn't ever change, despite your body's adjustment to it (a la the ShakeWeight) once you and your muscles adjust I doubt it does much of anything.
  • nikki91950
    personally, i believe that your muscles with get a better workout and will get more toned from just walking on a treadmill than they will from walking around in those shoes. the ads say that they'll help to firm and tone, but i think the difference will always be so insignificant that you'll never even be able to see the difference. i know champion makes the easy tone shoes as well, and i think they're about $40 from Payless, so if you're really that intrigued by them, you could still pick up a pair but not have to worry about wasting so much money on them.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    oh and the easytone do look like regular sneakers...that's why I wore them all the time. May friend got a pair of shape ups but she didn't wear them as much because they looked funny and felt like she was going to fall over lol

    you can also design your own easytone/ running tones - it's a little bit more money but hey you'll have one of a kind set! =)
  • bigdaddycowgill
    bigdaddycowgill Posts: 120 Member
    I haven't tried those particular shoes, but I've tried Pace by Champion & Shape Ups by Skechers. The Skechers are by far the better shoe, in my opinion. They're heavier, have a more pronounced curve to the bottoms, and seem to be made better. They're also way more comfortable. Doesn't answer your question, I know, but wanted to put in my 2 cents for anyone who views & let you know my experience.
  • desanctis
    I am a walker and I was suckered into buying the Sketcher toners, and I hate them. They are really uncomfortable, make me walk like a duck, and I didn't see any change what-so-ever! All I noticed was that my knees and ankle(old injury) killed when I was done walking in them, I tried them several times for my normal walk, which is about 3 miles, and I really didn't enjoy them at all. Maybe you would have better luck, but I am back in my Nikes, which I have been happy with for years. My vote- Very expensive Gimmick!
  • Lisa570
    Who cares if their a gimmick? If you believe they'll work, then they'll work for you. I want a pair so bad for when I start jogging!
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    I don't know about all the other ones all I can say is what I had. I had a pair of Shapeups. I was so out of shape and hardly walked at all I thought I would get something that was "suppose" to be for walking. Once I really started walking and going up and down the hills in these shoes is when I started having knee and leg pain.
    The shoes are not really for walking and working out in. I pulled a tendon and because I was walking differently I also pulled the
    sciatic nerve. That was months ago and I am just now not having pain in my knee & leg.
    I still wear mine but to work out in the yard or do things that I will not be really walking or exercises.

    Good Luck
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    My mom got a $300 pair of sneakers from some specialty shoe store in the mall. They were supposed to do all these wonderful things for her. Walking in them was almost like rocking, and they told you that's the way you were supposed to walk in them. Bless my mom's heart. She's 5'8, maybe 120#, and NOT in need of any specialty shoe, let alone a $300 pair of them. She bought right into it and swore that these shoes helped her when she was at work on her feet all night. Whether it was all in her head or not, I don't know.

    What I do know is that I bought a pair of "Fit Flops" which were marketed as some awesome toning footwear, and they did nothing for me. Course, of all my body parts, I'm most proud of my legs (I've got cyclist legs) and didn't need any help in my calves to begin with.

    Gee, look how very informative I've been..... LOL

    What I would invest in, for real, (thanks mom for passing on your gullibility), is a pair of Vibrams. They are basically supposed to mimmick being barefoot, just providing protection to your feet. Shoes with toes..... everyone I know who owns them swears by them from a performance point of view. I dunno tho..... they're kinda funky lookin, lol
  • mandieraye
    They don't do anything. It's all a mind game to make people want to walk longer. Walking alone tones your butt and calves. So people think if they buy these special shoes it will work better. Just get a pair of walking shoes and start walking. If you want really toned calves try running in vibrum 5 toes. They make you run on your toes.
  • AmandaB4588
    My brother is a 3rd year med student. He told me all of his professors hate those things because they will do more harm than good.
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I've heard they're incredibly uncomfortable... they mess with your foot structure and therefore put the rest of the body out of it's established alignment. I haven't tried them--I have prescribed orthotics, so I stick to those--but I know for the first couple of days after I started using my orthotics I was in a lot of pain, it just took time for my feet to adjust to the "proper" alignment, so maybe if you stick with them for a while they'll stop hurting. Like someone else said, I really wouldn't recommend a hardcore workout in them, just use them for walking.

    Of course, you won't get the same results from wearing special shoes as you would from an actual toning workout, but as long as you aren't hurting your joints (which I think could result from doing anything other than walking in them) I don't think they'll hurt... just don't expect any major results.
  • mandieraye
    My husband wears 5 finger shoes. He loves them. He is in the USMC and that is all he runs in now. He is a lacrosse player so he has big toned calves, and the shoes still makes his calves sore.
  • melbhall
    Thanks for all the awesome input! I think from reading all the responses I will hold off on getting any. If I were more of a runner I would get the vibrams, but right now I'm mainly walking and pushing a stroller around. I'm going to get back into c25k but I'm still not convinced that I will be a true runner so those should wait too. I guess I was just looking for the quickest easiest way to shape up when I truely know it come from diet and exercise. Thanks for straightening me out!
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    i enjoyed reading the comments this morning.
    but, i just bought some of these shoes yesterday.

    i could return them, but we'll see.

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Not a've got to work to see results not just normal daily activity. Can't imagine that the funky soles are actually good for you during exercise.