In desperate need of an accountability/ buddy!!!!!

Hi all I'm kinda of new here to mfp. I have notice that my biggest problem when it comes to exercising is I lack motivation. So any and all please become my friend so we can motivate each other


  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    The best motivator is yourself. The only person that can make you get up and go work out is yourself. There are days I don't want to but I just do it and afterward I feel great. You can add me if you want. I am on my app everyday.
  • barlowjo
    barlowjo Posts: 1
    I can hold you accountable if you help me as well add me :)
  • Just joined. :) Excited to start my journey to a better life! But.... I need help. I need motivation, someone to keep me going. Any takers?
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member

    This is,a great place, welcome aboard....Add me if you like, I'm obsessed with MFP....:bigsmile:
    Plus you live in a cool city!!:wink:
  • 3rinvogue
    3rinvogue Posts: 4
    Hello add me if you want. I really need some motivating to.
  • Lucille51
    Lucille51 Posts: 56 Member
    you can do it! happy to be a motivational buddy!
  • kingkitdz
    kingkitdz Posts: 6 Member
    No problem I feel the same way the one friend that started with me has none at all. So I must count on myself I got on elliptical today for 20mins and haven't worked out in about 2 months.
  • sdb111
    sdb111 Posts: 11 Member
    You can add me if you would like... Please hold me accountable as well. It's time to Bring It! Welcome! I have been here for awhile, I have found my fitness pal to be a wonderful tool. I lost approx. 34 lbs and then quit smoking... even with exercise, I have gained about 28 back. I'm still fighting, refuse to give up! We can do this together!
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    Are you looking for someone to comment when your newsfeed reports you haven't checked in? Because I can do that for you if you'll do that for me!
  • jlboyer88
    jlboyer88 Posts: 1
    I am new to my fitness pal as well. What keeps me motivated to exercise is finding a gym that is was inexpensive as well as on direct route home from work, therefore I did not have an excuse for not stopping. I found a good personal trainer who also keeps me motivated and is excited about helping me to attain the personal goals that I have set for myself, both the short term and long term goals.
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    The best motivator is yourself. The only person that can make you get up and go work out is yourself. There are days I don't want to but I just do it and afterward I feel great. You can add me if you want. I am on my app everyday.

    THIS^^^ OMGoodness!!! I am SO happy I am not alone in thinking this!

    While I LOVE supporting and encouraging people, the motivation and work has to come from you. I am more than happy to keep you accountable, encourage & support you, help you with ideas, be a sounding board - anything you need from me if you want to add me. (and you are MORE than welcome to) :flowerforyou:
    The only things you need to be aware of: you get support for work put in - I don't soft soap or support "slacking" and "I just don't want to do ANYTHING" days. I delete people who whine or disappear - it shows complete lack of dedication to your program and that isn't something I can change for you. Sorry, but I have to keep positive people on my FL to stay positive in MY journey.:flowerforyou:

    You CAN do this if your mind is set on it !!! :drinker:
  • quiqui29
    quiqui29 Posts: 42
    You can add me.
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    The best motivator is yourself. The only person that can make you get up and go work out is yourself. There are days I don't want to but I just do it and afterward I feel great. You can add me if you want. I am on my app everyday.

    THIS^^^ OMGoodness!!! I am SO happy I am not alone in thinking this!

    While I LOVE supporting and encouraging people, the motivation and work has to come from you. I am more than happy to keep you accountable, encourage & support you, help you with ideas, be a sounding board - anything you need from me if you want to add me. (and you are MORE than welcome to) :flowerforyou:
    The only things you need to be aware of: you get support for work put in - I don't soft soap or support "slacking" and "I just don't want to do ANYTHING" days. I delete people who whine or disappear - it shows complete lack of dedication to your program and that isn't something I can change for you. Sorry, but I have to keep positive people on my FL to stay positive in MY journey.:flowerforyou:

    You CAN do this if your mind is set on it !!! :drinker:

    YES!!!! I found a friend on MFP who motivates me and I motivate him this way: we have promised each other that every workout will burn no less than 500 calories. We actually call each other out! Gets you over a hump! Serious friends accepted anytime! As long as YOU promise to hold yourself accountable in the long run!
  • CaseyM1985
    CaseyM1985 Posts: 65 Member
    You're welcome to add me :) I'm on here daily and I workout usually 6 days a week!
  • Feel free to add me, having other people on your side is always a good thing!!
  • Bellvillian
    Bellvillian Posts: 20 Member
    What I loved seeing here were people saying, eat your workout calories! I don't know why but that made me feel good, like I have more flexibility in having a snack at night after a workout (rather than the snack without the workout). On the logs it looks like it cancels the food points out. Let's see at weigh in but one thing is for sure I want my abdominal wall (that's from chest to pelvic) to suck in. Do you know what I mean? So figure exercise is the only way that is going to happen and I know I will look like a different person. Anyway, I hope some of my words motivate you to do at least 3 workouts or activities a week! Good luck!
  • rayn0516
    rayn0516 Posts: 2
    That is totally awesome. I know when I actually decide to exercise after a hiatus I usually feel like I can accomplish anything
  • lacarla
    lacarla Posts: 8
    I can help be your accountability buddy. We can keep each other motivated and encouraged. Make me your friend and we can work this out!